2025 Grand Slam Showbill |
Grand Slam Entry Form |
Date: July 11, 12 & 13, 2024
Show Time:
7:30 PM
Location: MFTHBA Showgrounds
Address: Ava, MO
Camping Hook-ups
Camping Rates per day:
Price: $40 per day
To reserve your camping spot or trailer hook-up please contact the
MFTHBA Office: 417-683-2468.
All spaces must be prepaid!
Entry Desk
▪ Open from 1:00pm -
5:00pm Thursday – Saturday
▪ ALL horses entered in the show must be registered
in the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association.
▪ Negative Coggins papers
MUST be presented at the entry desk.
▪ All horses MUST enter back in Championship classes.
Main Arena will be open for riding Wednesday, July
Main Arena will close at 5:30pm for show preparation Thur-Sat.
Melanie Wynn
Phone: 417-664-6978
Email: mwynn40@yahoo.com
Pictures will be available to view online from the Mid America Grand Slam horse show.
Pictures are now available to view online from the Mid America Grand Slam horse show.
Here is a direct link to the Mid America Album
Show Fees
Youth Classes ($4 DQP Fee Included): $24
Youth Championship ($4 DQP Fee Included): $34
Preliminary and Regular Classes ($4 DQP Fee Included): $34
Championship Classes ($4 DQP Fee Included): $44
$10 per horse administrative fee is charge one time per horse.
Paybacks for Preliminary and Championship classes are for places 1-5.
Futurity and Maturity paybacks are based on number of horses paid up.
Top Five (5) places in Non-Futurity/Maturity preliminary classes must show back to receive prize money
Arena Hours
▪ Arena will be open the day before the show for practice.
▪ Arena will be open to ride directly after the show every night.
▪ Arena will close at 6:00 pm for show
preparation nightly.
Stalls: For stall rental information please contact
the MFTHBA office 417-683-2468.
Admission: TBA
Below is a brief summary of the Mid America Foxtrotting Horse Association Exhibitor divisions.
Futurity: No horse shall be shown in performance before the Futurity show date.
Open: Open classes are open to any registered Missouri Fox Trotting Horse. There are no restrictions on ownership however
the owner must be a current Mid America member. All exhibitors in Open classes must be a current Mid America member.
Open Amateur: Open Amateur classes are open to any Amateur Rider. There are no restrictions on ownership of the horse
except that the horse's owner(s) must be current Mid America members and Exhibitors must be current Mid America members. Entered horses must
meet the age and gender requirements of the class and be registered with the MFTHBA.
Amateur Owned & Trained (No professional
training 90 days): Horses must be owned by the Amateur member who is exhibiting the horse. Co-ownership with individuals outside the
exhibitor's immediately family makes the horse ineligible for this division. In addition, entered horses may not have been professionally
trained or reside in a training facility within the 90 time frame from the Grand Slam show date. Entered horses must be 3 Yrs & Older
and be registered with the MFTHBA.
Youth: There are no restrictions on ownership of the horse except that the horse's owners must be current Mid America
members in designated Youth classes. In addition, Youth must have an entry form signed by a parent or guardian. Youth classes do not permit
the exhibition of a stallion.
Open Amateur Limited: Exhibitors may not have won a 1st or 2nd place in any Mid America class in the past two calendar
years. No Amateur ownership requirements apply to horses exhibited in this division.
Specialty: On some 5 years and older classes you willnotice that they are designated as a "specialty" class. The word
Specialty is simply used to designate the class as a two gait (flat walk and foxtrot) class versus the traditional 5 years and older
class which requires a flat foot walk, fox trot, and canter.
Jockey Change: Entered horses much be 3 Yrs & Older and be registered with the MFTHBA. There are no ownership
requirements for this class. It will be considered open to all rider divisions. Each horse entry must have two exhibitors. Each will take
turns riding for one half of the class and switch during the reverse in center ring.
Youth Equitation: A larger percentage of the judge's score will be determined by the rider's equitation and riding ability
than that of a regular youth class where the focus is on the horse's performance. Riders must be 17 Years & Under.
English Pleasure: Exhibitors must compete in english, Flat Seat tack and attire. The 2 gait class is judged on the quality
and consistency of the flat foot walk and foxtrot, as well as manners of the horse under saddle. The horse should have a quiet nature.
Tack: Cutback saddle, dressage or park type english saddles, saddle suits or saddle suit jacket. Ties and derby hats required. Entered
horses much be 3 Yrs & Older and be registered with the MFTHBA. There are no ownership requirements for this class.
It will be considered open to all rider divisions.
Out of State: Entered horses must be 3 Yrs & Older and be registered with the MFTHBA. Horse and owner must be
from out of the state of Missouri. Riders must be 18 Years & Older.
Ladies: Ladies classes are open to any Female Rider. They are considered an Open class, There are
no restrictions on ownership of the horse except that the horse's owner(s) must be current Mid America members and Exhibitors must be
current Mid America members. Entered horses must meet the age and gender requirements of the class as described on the showbill and be
registered with the MFTHBA.
Mens: Mens classes are open to any Male Rider. They are considered an Open class, There are no restrictions on ownership of
the horse except that the horse's owner(s) must be current Mid America members and Exhibitors must be current Mid America members. Entered
horses must meet the age and gender requirements of the class as described on the showbill and be registered with the MFTHBA.
Unsportsmanlike conduct to show officials and/or show participants on the part of members, non members, exhibitor, trainers, grooms, owners, spectators, family members of a person participating in a Mid America event and all other persons on the grounds will not be tolerated. Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as any form of misconduct that is irresponsible, illegal, indecent, profane, intimidating, threatening, abusive, or discourteous. Penalties: The MAFTHA reserves the right to impose penalties and/or monetary fines as it deems proper without being held liable for compensation or damages. Penalties are as follows but not limited to: Private censure, Public censure, deny all or part of MAFTHA privileges, prohibit involvement in MAFTHA events, expulsion or suspension of membership, forfeit of prizes, disqualification of horse(s), removal from grounds of MAFTHA event, and monetary fines.
Super 8
Address: Ava, MO
Phone: 417-683-1343
The Fox Trot Inn
Address: Ava, MO
Phone: 417-683-3606
Antler Motel
Address: Gainsville, MO
Phone: 417-679-4292
Vaught's Restaurant & Motel
Address: Gainsville, MO
Phone: 417-679-1081
Woods Cabin Rentals
Address: Mansfield, MO
Phone: Phone: 417-924-1345 Website: https://www.mansfieldwoods.net
The Weaver Inn
Address: Mansfield, MO
Phone: 417-924-2600
Americas Best Value Inn
Address: Seymour, MO
Phone: 417-935-9888
Country Inn
Address: Seymour, MO
Phone: 417-935-9888
Address: Mountain Grove, MO
Phone: 417-926-3152
Days Inn
Address: Mountain Grove
Phone: 417-926-5555
Happy Trails RV Center - Lebanon, MO - Phone: 417-533-7530 - Website: https://www.happytrailsrvcenter.com
Mid America Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
Attention: Two
Year Old Futurity
P.O. Box 726
Republic, MO 65738
Mid America Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
P.O. Box 726
Republic, MO 65738
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