Red Angus have all of the characteristics of Black Angus. The cows are hardy and grow quickly. They produce marbled meat like that of the Black Angus, and their meat is also highly desired in butchers, supermarkets, restaurants and in the home. While the Red Angus is different in color, their meat is no different from that of the Black Angus.
We started with Red Angus heifers breeding to a 1/2
Black Angus and 1/2 Gelbvieh bull, this cross produced black angus offspring. We kept the first heifers out of this cross.
We sold Curly and purchased a Black Angus bull (BJ) and are waiting for our first crop of calves from this cross.
Momma wasn't real happy with the camera. Cold and icy outside but cozy
inside a horse stall!
Ray left it open hoping she would give birth out
of the icy rain. What a surprise to find her inside and TWINS!
Pictues taken March 30. Momma is taking excellent care of the twins.
It helps that they are insepartable. They nurse at the same time and
sleep within a couple feet of each other. They run and play just
before dark, never in the morning.