Nova’s 100 Mile 2+ hour group lesson

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Nova and I resting in the middle of the arena after cantering miles and miles.  Well, that’s what Nova and I thought anyway.  We worked on flying lead changes today. We didn’t get any, but she is a “pop” away from getting that done.

Flying lead changes aren’t really easy for a Missouri Fox Trotter.  It takes a bit of work to get that done.

We also flew around the arena today with 10  other people in our 2 hour group lesson!  Jennifer Vaught gave our lesson today and we were a happy group of people to get to ride!  I don’t know how long we rode, but it was way more than 2 hours.  Nova thinks it was more like 10 hours, but she hasn’t learned yet how to read a clock.

Nova was so tired after we were done, she didn’t want to follow me anywhere. She was stuck to the arena floor.   I had to chase her hindquarters around to get her to walk with me.

100 miles is what we did today. That’s what Nova and I think!