Sue – How Do You Do with Cantering?

Don’t you believe all the myths about the Fox Trotter can’t canter. Sue believed them. She’s held back for many a year. She will not canter when a person is riding her, because she has believed the theory.

I saw her gallop this morning. It was a special joyous event. I opened up the other half of the pasture and the horses were ecstatic. JR and Isabel galloped over to the west side. Sue trotted.

I went to the barn and rattled the feed buckets. Isabel and JR galloped back to the barn. It wasn’t too long before: Here Comes Sue at a big Gallop!

Her gallop is different. She lifts her front legs like a hackney when she goes. I imagine that might be the natural rocking chair canter that this breed is famous for.

It will be holy heck to get her to canter under saddle. I don’t know whether or not I’m up to it.