2010 Pine Dell Farm Versatility Challenge

P1010151.jpg picture by susanfxtrt

Pine Dell Farm 2010 Versatility Challenges

Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion awards in the foreground donated by Pat Harris of No-Frills Embroidery

left to right:  Karen Moulins, Pine Dell Farm owner and Challenge committee; Susan Engle, judge and Challenge committee; Belle;  Roger Emile, Grand Champion; Hope Robinson, challenge committe;  Jewel;  Patty Miller, Reserve Grand Champion

I had a grand idea in 2009 and that was to have Versatility Challenges at Pine Dell Farm.  This is our second year and we added a High Point Championand Reserve Champion to the mix.

Boy, we had fun. I was especially pleased that no one grumbled at the judge.  Karen, Hope and I would meet before each challenge and come up with our contest.  Karen brought 20 years experience teaching natural horsemanship (including me as a beginner), I brought actual versatility competition experience and my original Parelli level 3 experience, Hope brought planning, publicity and years of exerience with natural horsemanship to the table. We would come up with our plan and Karen tested it out on real life students. Some of our ideas didn’t work in real life and had to be modified. You don’t get much better than this!

Today was our last Versatility Challenge along with our year end Halloween costume class.

Boy, we had fun!  My memories are going to be of some of the horses at the beginning of these events and how much they improved.  I’ll remember Roger and how smooth a rider and the partnership he has with Belle.  Roger rode most of the classes bareback.  I’ll remember Patty and Jewel as Patty and Jewel were in group lessons with Jenny that started back in the mid-90’s.  Patty and I lived thru some experiences during our group lessons and I am thrilled that she and Jewel are still going strong. 

We had some amazing moments of advanced horsemanship during these events.  We the audience kept being amazed at what we were seeing.  It’s natural horsemanship- principles to purpose!

Next year we are going to have two Fun Shows with a “real judge” and have stuff like Western Pleasure and lo’s of fun classes for kids and adults.  I’ll get to participate in those.  We are going to have two Versatility Challenges and I still get to be the judge!

Stay Tuned for next year’s agenda at Pine Dell Farm!



  1. Roger Emley

    Thank you for the nice words, Susan, and especially for the outstanding attitude and judging! You are amazing! Roger

    • Susan

      Thank you Roger…and you are amazing also!

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