Last week at the group lesson, Fancy appeared to have a problem cantering to the right. We did one flying lead change, left to right and stopped there.
We had another lesson today and again, Fancy had problem cantering to the right. She acted like she wanted to switch over to the left lead and did a little canter hop. She seemed to want to canter on the left lead.
Erin was suspicious. She had not felt this the hitch the time she rode and wanted to feel the problem.
Well, bless my spurs. Erin couldn’t feel any problem. She actually did two flying lead changes which caused me to scream in astoundment!
The verdict: Fancy is not having a problem. She is just trying to slow down and not canter. You can ride her again and tell her she is not fooling you anymore about wanting to slow down.
By Golly! I rode Fancy again and our right lead canter was fabulous! Good Lordy!
Fancy has a chiropractic and acupuncture appointment soon with Dr Randy. The truth will come out then!
Conclusion: Dr. Randy found some small points where adjustment needed. Nothing to cause the fake hitch in the get along. Score some big points for Fancy win!