A horse in my past life evidentially made me afraid to ride outside of an arena. I’ve conquered that fear down to “ride outside with other people”. I first became aware of my new found freedom from outdoor fear last month when I rode Fancy around the neighbor’s property. The realization of what I had done had not “hit me” until later in the afternoon.
On this day, I agreed to ride at a nearby park with other people, good solid people who are safe to ride with. I arrived at the park on the minute that the ride was to start. Usually, I’m an early person and stress out unless I’m early. I looked for my people and didn’t see them. I was sitting in my truck waiting, when the park police car who had been “following me” pulled up and wanted to talk to me. He parked and I had gotten out of the truck. He explained that this was a Cass County Park and I needed a sticker permit to ride in the park. Of course, since I’m so cute, he was going to let me ride. I decided to check another parking place wondering if my people were parked there. I drove to that area and saw no one. ALL RIGHTY! I’m going to go to my favorite park, James A Reed, and ride there!
FANCY: I’m taking over the story now: I was very upset when we drove into this area and saw other horses. Mom did not let me out of the trailer so I could meet them and dominate them. Plus, this funny marked car followed us and Mom got out to talk to a young man. I was worried about her as he was unusually dressed in some kind of black outfit. What if Mom needed me to for protection and I’m locked up in this darn trailer! Sheesh!
Mom survived and I was now being transported back on the highway to who knows where. I’m not in control locked in this trailer! We pulled into another parking lot and not one horse was there to greet us. Cars and bikes drove by, but no one talked to us. Mom let me out of the trailer and proceeded to groom and then saddle me. What was she thinking? By golly, she took me here to ride me. I was upset at this place and nervous. Mean Mom made me run around in those ridiculous circles. I might add, it’s hot out here. I’ve been used to winter and this weather is not winter. I have a lot of winter hair to keep me warm and the hair is not needed in this weather. Sigh. We took a short walk and went back to the trailer and Mom told me she was going to get on me with the help of the trailer. Being a sweet and wonderful mare, I stood still where she needed me. I wanted to move out as soon as her little rear nestled in the saddle. She made a few comments about needed to get her other foot in the saddle and my halter rope secured around the horn. She has never before kept the halter rope on the halter when she rode me. Odd.
Off we went. I was so excited about seeing the outdoors after years of being cooped up in indoor and outdoor arenas. This is the real world and I can’t wait to see what is out there.
I settled down into a nice fast walk and Mom left my mouth alone. She didn’t haul back on the bridle. I was grateful. I quickly figured out to follow the trail and not go off track. I could feel Mom smiling. I wanted to go faster, but she reminded me to keep my steady fast walk and I did. Mom kept smiling.
Slight scream…the world dropped off, but Mom guided me to the side of the “end of the world” and I avoided falling into a void of killer blue moving stuff Mom called puddles. I know this. I trusted Mom several times and managed to cross the 3” slice of killer water. Mom and I have worked on gravel road puddles, but these things are even more evil.
We left those behind and started flat foot walking. We came upon a strange sight and heard noise in the distance. I stopped and stared. Mom stared too. She had no idea what the big monster thing was in a place where she admitted “I’ve never seen or heard anything like this at this location in the park. I waited for a while and we went closer. We stopped several times and stared. Gradually we got close enough to see it was a a mamouth Jeep with music blaring and a young man on the roof. I can take vehicles and loud music so I carefully went closer. Suddenly two cars show up and parked behind the mamouth Jeep thing. Young men got out of the car and stared at us. They stared at my blue eyes. I knew they were humans. Humans are good. One of them ripped some grass and fed me. I now loved these young men. One of them said his father used to raise quarter horses, so I had Mom explain what gaited horses are. She said I was going to “gait” across the dam and show them how smooth I am.
We passed them and started “gaiting” across the dam. Whoops, there is a monster in the water next to the damn. Whoa! The monster is making sloshing water sounds. It might try to kill me. I stared at it and noted no movement. I crept forward a few steps. I wait for movement. It did not attack me.. I decided I was safe for a few more forward steps. I got even with it and hurried past. Mom said it was a metal water dam controller. Hmmm, maybe it was like the metal bit in my mouth controlling my tongue.
Now ahead on the dam were some small monsters that would eat me. We stopped and stared for a while. Mom encouraged me to move and I did take a few steps before braking to a full stop. I just wanted to save both our lives.
Mom tried tricks to get me to move. They worked for a few more steps. She tries to zigzag me. But the monsters still existed and were moving. Finally, the geese went into the lake and out of my path. I decided it was safe to proceed.
Oh we gaited and gaited and both of us were exhilarated! We were on the path on the way to the trailer, when the true end of the world came. It was at least 3000 miles deep and filled with that unsolid substance. I tried to turn around a go back the way we came. Mom said, no. It’s too far to go back. We need to go forward where your safe trailer and grain bribe awaits. No, I said. Mom tried to have me cross the void in different places, but I refused. Mom said, “My body wants to go home. I refused. Mom did a really evil thing to me. EVIL. She backed me through the water filled evil killer water ditch. I was so scared that my back leg muscles started quaking and shivering in fear. I knew death was just moments away. Still, I obeyed. What the heck? How did she do that? She rubbed my neck and rear with positive murmurs of love. SHE TRICKED ME!
We did come to another smaller void and I learned how to jump over it. Oh I was proud! Mom was proud too and I got words of love again and more rubbing as we went on the path.
I wish Mom would have showed me off riding bridleless. We would not have experienced any dirt water void ditches with nothing on my head. Give me freedom!! Mom said, trust is great but control is better. Wonder what that meant!
Mom was really getting tired now and so was I, and she decided we could go on the pavement! We flat foot walked and fox trotted on the pavement. We made the famous “hunk of meat and two potatoes” fox trot noise. We were both happy. Tired and happy!
She decided we could cut across an unplanted corn field to get back to the trailer quicker. I learned to stay in the row. Oh I was a great horse and there was the heavenly trailer. Saddle off. Sweat curried and I got to zoom into the trailer and eat my grain bribe.
I took the next day off, went to my chiropractic adjustment the next day and felt a lot better. I haven’t been ridden since. I’m ready to go again! Mom actually enjoyed the trail ride and enjoys telling people how she tricked me. Maybe she will take me out there again so I can thwart her trick and pay her back. We’ll see…..
Sounds like great fun!