Caitlyn on Velvet – Nichole on Sue
I let Sue roam in the pasture with grass just too long. She is starting to get the first sign of a cresty neck. Then, she started limping…abscess. This is the first sign that insulin resistance has started and laminitis is around the corner.
I tried shutting her in her stall with limited turn out. This is a horse for whom weight loss is DIFFICULT!
I had a brilliant idea! Jenny’s daughter, Nichole, is a wonderful rider. She’s might not yet ready to start colts, but darn near. I had a conversation with Jenny and before you can say wowsa, Sue is down in southern Missouri being rode consistently by a fun loving confident 12 year old. You can’t get better than this. Sue is turned out. She is rode up and down the Ozark hills, thru water, over logs, thru brush everything. A miniature horse has fallen in love with her and follows Sue and Nichole everywhere.
Sue is slimming down and muscling up. What improvement to her mental situation is happening with Nichole as her best friend and partner! I say a TON!
Sue has a problem with catching, you know. plus she’s in a 40 acre pasture. But, she is letting everyone catch her most of the time.
Sue will have spent all of October and November with Nichole. She’ll come back to me in December. What a time we will have then!