Group lesson Monday was another day for the flying change record book! Group lesson today was two quarter horses and a fox trotter. One quarter horse is a former reining horse! The other QH is designated by me as a million dollar horse….safe for anyone and has heart and try. He is learning flying lead changes, but because of his breed and try, it’s easy for him. Flying changes are difficult for many reasons for all riders!
All us riders are ornery. Only Erin can keep the humans under control.
We are lucky today as the temperature climbed to a scorching 41 degrees!
Leg yield practice: Erin had us leg yield in and out on the rail going the long way of the arena
Transitions: Our job was to flat foot/ extended walk for QH’s on the long sides and foxtrot/trot on the ends of the arena.
Canter: We cantered full circles around the arena.
Now time for our solo lead change or counter canter (for one of us) figure eights.
Fancy and I took our turn and did flying changes. We waited for our next turn and did flying changes. There were no missed changes. Every time I asked, I got a correct flying lead change.
And that was the Banner Celebration. Usually when we start our lead changes adventure, we miss one or several changes before she comes through. Usually we have some failures in the warm up flying lead change requests.
Not Today! Every time I asked for a flying change, she gave it to me.
Erin pointed that out to me and I fainted! Luckily, my faint was mental, not physical and I stayed in the saddle.
Fancy got special attention. I took her saddle off and she got to roll in the arena dirt. We watched the other two riders while I rubbed and petted her head extensively. She also got a handful of grain.