Sue – How Do You Do and Where Did You Go?

JR in the back and the Bay Girls, Sue and Isabell We have a new fence. We fenced the horse pasture. We fenced our 4 acre yard. I'm now letting the horses out into the yard where there is really great grass. Sometimes they eat grass right outside the front door. One morning, I slowly woke up to a strange sound. It was Isabel pawing the sidewalk. She was telling me to get up and feed her. Ahhh the rewards of horse life are great. Until someone opens the gate…

Sue – How Do You Do at Bonding?

Sue-I Do Bond with You At last, a chance to really play with my girl, Sue. I groomed her while she was eating. She has a patches of dead skin on her tail. yeccha. One was an inch square. I got them off. Several times she turned and stared at me. I told her what she had. These spots where a little raw under the dead skin patch, but she didn't flinch. I'll treat it tomorrow with special salve. She was as calm as could be while I was grooming…

Sue – How Do You Do with being my New Girl?

A Rainy Night in Missouri. We got some big lightning and nice rain tonight. That helped with the sadness of not being able to play with my girl, Sue tonight. Every horse person resents the call of the home fire. Children, spouse, mother etc. seem to decrease your horse time. They deserve your time-darn it! The spouse has been terribly sick with pneumonia and he's getting better. He wanted real food tonight. He's not been able to eat for two weeks. Am I to say NO, I want to play…

Sue – How do You Do Your First Day with Me?

Sue is  an emotional wreck. She has emotional scars. We surely wonder what happened to Sue!  She was sold only six months prior.  She is a fruit loop fearful horse.  It doesn't get too much worse than Sue's extreme people fear.  I bought her to save her.  I had really really liked Sue when she had been sold.  I had some reaction when she was sold that she really should have been my horse.  Everyone thought she was going to a new home with wonderful people.  Something happened and Sue,…

JR’s Journal – The Energizer Bunny

Ah, a 70+ degree in March. The sun is shining. A gentle breeze playes with the dead leaves. It's in the afternoon and everyone at Pine Dell has already been out riding. I've been to a 4H tack sale. I've eaten lunch and I'm ready to ride. It's the first trail ride and we are alone. I decide on James A. Reed. If I fall off, someone is bound to see JR and come and find me. Yep, James A. Reed Park is the destination We arrive. We warm up.…

Nova’s Notebook – The Beginning

Pat Parelli is always telling us how he's got yearlings on up that have happily learned the level 1, 2 and 3 tasks. Since Nova is at Pine Dell boarding stable, I decided that she should become a level 3 baby. I've given Jennifer Vaught this task. This is what she looks like at 18 months! Jenny has fallen into the "I Love Nova" club. Jenny reports that Nova is bright and light. Nova is fox trotting and trotting during her training sessions. We've not seen any sign of the…