Exciting Maiden Trailer Hauling Day

Two hornets and a human shared the truck cab today. No human or hornet were harmed. Hot 70 degree days demand an open window. That was yesterday. One forgets about an open window and farm life. The hornets live around the barn. They wanted to see how cozy living in the truck cab could be. Yes, I was driving with Fancy in her first new trailer ride when....a HORNET flew around my head. I cursed and made haste to open all truck windows. The hornet has to find a new…

Another Fancy Day etc

I'd like to start with last night in the bath tub. I ducked my head under the water and my ears buzzed. Oh! I'm getting too used to my hearing aides. They still work today! Today, a nice day in the 70's, I decided to do my dress rehersal Parelli Level 4 Finesse Audition and then take Fancy to my favorite trail riding place, James A Reed park. It's a big deal to ride by myself, outdoors. Maybe other people would be trail riding too and I could sneak into…

Level 4 Audition Finesse Prep 2

iPhone Finesse is lacking. How can I remember the costume changes, mandatory tasks and how to film with my iPhone! I ask you! Today I remembered to bring my cell phone into the arena. I put all my costumes in place in the front end of arena and Swan Lake blue tarp at far end of arena. I mounted Fancy wearing my witch hat, warmed up and practiced leg yields. I was able to place my phone at far end of the arena and start the recording. I hurried back…

A Fancy Ride in the Group Lesson

Fancy and I are together! She tries to do what I'm asking during our lesson. Her go-forward attitude is fun! Fancy and I are bonding together! She tries to do what I'm asking during our lesson. Her go-forward attitude is fun! Erin said today that we have improved over the last twelve months. I've been having a lot of fun this past year. Today, the highlight of my ride was the finesse canter. My three fingers on each rein asked for slowing and suspension to get the fabled rocking chair…