Nova’s Notebook- “Bossa Nova” Trailer Loading

We have a L1 Beginning clinic this weekend and it's 11 month old Isabel's turn to start her first step in the journey to saddle horse.  Jenny loaded her twice when she was 4 months old and then she came home soaking wet with fear.  She did get to ride with Sage, whom she had just met. So, today my husband and I took Sage, Isabel and Bossy Nova out to the trailer.  I fed Sage in the trailer and put another pan for Isabel.  It took her about 5…

Nova’s Notebook – Bossy Nova!

Little Miss Nova is the ruler of all she sees, except her mom.  Nova doesn't try to boss around her mom...but she does everyone else. Her favorite playmates are the two year old black geldings.  She doesn't much care for 9 month Isabell, because Isabel doesn't play. Last night, the two geldings and Nova got out into our back pasture which is being rented by the turf farmer.  As the turf guy drove through the gate, he was assured by my husband that the horses were under control...and there went Salty,…

JR’s Journal – Fox Trotter Show Starring Velvet and JR!

 If you have any desire to win a trail class, always practice the gate before the horse show starts. Yep, that’s one of the answers to life. Everything else about life I learned in Kindergarten.I had qualms about taking JR to his first horse show. I felt like crying. That's the signal to stop whatever it is that is making me stressed out. I decided not to go. Whew, that felt better. Jenny asked me if I was going to take Velvet. I said “NO. I know what Velvet can…

JR’s Journal -Gaited Horse Naturally clinic with David Lichman

Gaited horses need to be able to relax.  This is way more important in a gaited horse than a non gaited horse.  A non gaited horse can pretty much trot even though they are nervous and upset. Most of the horses were very pacy.  One of the horses was very nervous and upset all the time.  She had a pretty green rider who was nervous and upset too.  He rode with a bridle the first day and he hung on to the reins.  The 2nd day, he rode in the…

Nova’s Notebook – Young Years

For years my horses were just a little too much to trust them to my son to ride.  I did have him take horse back riding lessons for about 3 months in the early years of his life.  In his adult life, he told me that the people tied his legs to the stirrups and once the saddle turned and he rode underneath the horse.  Who Knew these things!  You just can't trust just anyone with with your child. The past two years I've been afraid to have him ride…

Nova’s Notebook – Baby Time

Nova has turned into the color of dark pumkin pie.  I'm calling her Nova Spice at the moment. She gets to be out in the pasture with the herd now (during the day).  Her mother no longer worries about the other horses.  Nova gets to play with everyone and runs back to mom if she feels that she needs to.  Every horse is pretty nice to her, but she is learning about moving out of Velvet's way.