Velvet at Equitana – TV STAR – III

This demonstration was held in an arena that was too small for the Savvy Team and there were not enough seats for the crowd. Lots of people had to stand and couldn't see very well.  The exciting thing was that Horse TV was filming this Savvy Demonstration. Hopefully you will all be able to see Velvet on DISH TV, which shows channel 9409, and Horse TV. Even though the arena was too small to handle 9 horses doing their thing, they went in anyway. Since each horse is tightly focused on…

Velvet at Equitana -Velvet the Slow -Herd Breaker II

The 2nd Savvy Demonstration was held in Freedom Hall. That's the ultimate facility. It was full to watch the much talked about Parelli demonstrations!This is the facility where the evening performance, the Mane Event, is held. You can be in the arena and look up at the seats that go to the sky. The instructors came and wowed the crowd with the things that they can do with their horses. People were abuzz about this one and that one. Velvet seemed to be much more relaxed on this day. She…

Velvet and Equitana – Introduction

 Velvet, the black Missouri Fox Trotter, was seen by approximately 12,000 people at Equitana 2001. Perhaps the numbers will increase as one of Velvet's Parelli performances was filmed by HORSE TV. Pat Parelli's live demonstrations in the big arenas pulled in approximately 3000+ people each day. His demonstration was squished into a smaller arena once with 5 deep people in the standing areas.  My performances with Velvet at the Missouri Fox Trotter Breed Demonstration pulled in 100-200 people each performance Background: Jenny Vaught, endorsed Pat Parelli instructor, took Velvet to…

All Fox Trotter Natural Horsemanship Clinic

Those participating in the clinic were as follows: Heidi Pollen, Ava, Mo; Pat Anderson, Estacada, Or; Judy Casper, Cabool, Mo; Kathy Doman, Rogersville, Mo; Liz and Joe James, Greenfield, In; Jennifer West; Diane and Dallas Hudson, Ava, Mo; Ken Kemp, Alta Vista, Ks; Ann Kolaz, Springfield, Il; Anita Rolfe, Mansfield, Mo; Carole Sharp, Taylor, Mo; Sue Steggal, Ava, Mo; Sandy Streweski, Billings, Mo; Karen Thompson, Galena, Mo. Some of the auditors were Marshall and Lee Yates, George Caspar, Elmer and Suzanne Scott, Mona Dollarhide and members of her family, Jo Hubner, Elaine Graham, Ava, Mo; Pete Rolfe, Mansfield, Mo; Cathy & Bill Lansdown, Ava, Mo; and Kim Stewart, Galena, Mo.

Sage Over a Barrel

     March 30,  2001 As her reward for being the first Missouri Fox Trotter to pass the Parelli level 2 test, I gave Sage almost a two year break.  She got to be the step mommy to JR and raise him.  I rode Velvet in the meantime.Unfortunately, Sage chose to fill her stomach about three times as large as it should be.  She got terribly fat on the lush Missouri grass.  It's time for me to reclaim Sage back as a great pal and riding horse.  Accordingly, in the…

Velvet – You Can’t Scream Outloud

Lately, I've been feeling really confident, riding Velvet.  During the last two group lessons, I did not touch the reins.  I steered her with my body and legs.  I also carry two carrot sticks.  These are 3' long extensions of my arms.  They are fiberglass and lightweight.  If Velvet doesn't pay attention to my eyes, belly button, legs, then the carrot sticks are used.  Carrot stick comes to the right side of the head means turn right and vice versa with left.  Crossed carrot sticks in front of the horses…