All Fox Trotter Natural Horsemanship Clinic
Those participating in the clinic were as follows: Heidi Pollen, Ava, Mo; Pat Anderson, Estacada, Or; Judy Casper, Cabool, Mo; Kathy Doman, Rogersville, Mo; Liz and Joe James, Greenfield, In; Jennifer West; Diane and Dallas Hudson, Ava, Mo; Ken Kemp, Alta Vista, Ks; Ann Kolaz, Springfield, Il; Anita Rolfe, Mansfield, Mo; Carole Sharp, Taylor, Mo; Sue Steggal, Ava, Mo; Sandy Streweski, Billings, Mo; Karen Thompson, Galena, Mo. Some of the auditors were Marshall and Lee Yates, George Caspar, Elmer and Suzanne Scott, Mona Dollarhide and members of her family, Jo Hubner, Elaine Graham, Ava, Mo; Pete Rolfe, Mansfield, Mo; Cathy & Bill Lansdown, Ava, Mo; and Kim Stewart, Galena, Mo.