Whining and Conditions

https://foxtroturbane.com/missouri-fox-trotter-fancy-flying-lead-changes/ Video Blog on Fox Trot Urbane Note: this is the script for the video voice blog. Watch the video instead of reading this I knew flying lead changes would be difficult. I cherish the difficult part of the journey dealing with my favorite horse movement in the universe. That is easy to say, but when the difficulty is real, some humans start whining. I never whine, but that is a lie. Why did I say, “Why did I ever want to do flying changes?” Why did I say, “Whose idea…

Mandatory Conditions Demanded by Fancy

I thought that once Fancy could do flying lead changes under Erin Patterson's development, she would be able to do them with me as the rider. That statement is true. However, Fancy has formulated conditions for my success. Fancy loves to do flying changes, but there are rules. "Rules?", I mumble when Erin translates the rules from Fancy speak into Susan's brain. When I formulated Plan A, I didn't know there would be conditions. I thought only that getting my body balanced, leg cues given and focus would be all…


I knew flying lead changes would be difficult. I cherish the difficult part of the journey dealing with my favorite horse movement in the universe. That is easy to say, but when the difficulty is real, some humans start whining. I never whine, but that is a lie. Why did I say, "Why did I ever want to do flying changes?" Why did I say, "Whose idea was it to do flying changes?" Why did I whine today? Because it was difficult. Because I couldn't get the left to right…

Fancy is a Star Mishmash of Dave Ellis Clinic

HI’m starting to write notes of all the devious, tricky difficult evil maneuvers, plus horse history: Dave meeting Pat amazing story; difference between English and Western riding is war; difference between Texas cowboys and California cowboys; riding offense or defense sidepass or leg yield or turn the hindquarters; ride halfway across arena with feel, turn reins loose and canter the rest of the way; hindquarter turn, back up alternating steps; lead change exercise- California roll rein feel, one rein shorter, leg yield and canter; three strides to get canter, give…

Virtual Horse Shows During the Pandemic

Keeping social distance, stay at home, quarantine and home shuttering is happening in our world. Horse show managers have hit on the idea of virtual shows. Perform the class at home and video it. Post the video. The judge will watch the class videos and determine the placings. I really like this idea. The dress is usually casual. The horse grooming is not as intense. The hours of waiting for your class to start is eliminated. There is no trailer hauling. Those things are all what I dislike about horse…

Fancy April Update 4/9/2020

We are living in the time of the Corona Virus Pandemic. A horse was withdrawn early from Erin Patterson's training since all the horse shows are being cancelled. That gave me a chance to enroll Fancy into training. The goal is for Fancy to be able to do flying lead changes while being ridden. You readers might know my twenty years of flying lead change addiction. With Fancy, flying lead changes (FLC), are very possible. She needs to have an expert rider with feel and balance, who understands FLC. Fancy…