Fancy Tales – Our First Encounter December 2017

Teresa loaned Fancy to me while Cisco is recovering from EPM. I picked her up from Teresa and Junior Osborn. Fancy had nearly 60 day’s training with a Fox Trotter trainer who had problems getting Fancy to move forward when he started her.  It was at her "colt start" when Fancy became "spur sensitive". Fancy had just completed 30 days training with a trail riding trainer. In her first two weeks with the trail rider trainer, she was ridden in a parade! Boy Howdy! She had kicked the husband and…

E-venture with Emma

I thought most of the Emma excitement stories were winding to an end, but I was wrong. We have just progressed to going outside without a leash again. Emma runs around and comes bounding to me for a pet and a treat. It’s going great! I stroll by Lake Robin. Emma goes down the short bank. I think “Oh that’s nice, she’ll get a drink. SPLAT! SPLASH! I look and Emma had leaped into the water. Her legs are submerged. Her belly is in the water! It’s 36 degrees! I…

E-ventures with Emma and Fancy

It’s been too cold here in the Missouri Arctic to play with Fancy plus Emma needs a lot of attention. But today became an artic Emma and Fancy adventure. Lord help me. Last night, I was vegged out watching the comedy TV programs as I was thinking about the quality of the air in the house. I could feel chilly air blowing on me and the temperature in the house appeared to be like a door was left open. Even though I knew no door was open, I still checked.…

E-ventures with Emma

1/15/2018 Emma helped me with filling water buckets today in the horse barn. She was loose. Emma did not go into the stalls with the horses. Whew! We had at least three off-rope turnouts today, Sulley and Emma stayed together and Sulley delivered Emma back to the house every time! Whew Sadly, Sulley lost his honored status as sunset was nearing. Sulley took Emma down the bank into Lake Robin. I watched as two doggies went out on the ice. I was alarmed. Self and I had a chat about…

The Middle Horse Finger from Fancy

Cisco and Fancy played at liberty with me in the round pen today. They ran around while I looked at Cisco’s back feet. He is still dragging both back toes. It occurred to me that maybe he needs to self-collect. I got the barrels in place with a space to run in between. Cisco scoffed at that and jumped. Fancy went to the outside through a space I thought too small for a horse. I gave the non verbal body signal to stop running which Cisco obeyed. However, Fancy’s nose…

Farrier Day for Cisco and Fancy

Farrier Day! We did not have a Fancy training session before the trim! She did argue just a bit when he was holding her front leg. When she argued, she was off balance and fell on her front knees. That was a huge learning lesson for her. She did not argue at all during the back leg trim. Fancy was in the round pen for a long time during Cisco’s trim, Tony rode Cisco and after, he reshod one back hoof. I let Fancy out of the round pen and…