Sand, Grit and Domination

FYI- Lucky Star strives to be dominate over me. I tried to explain to him yesterday that he made his life so much harder as he tried to nibble me.... 7/11/17 Misery in Missouri July. Still in upper 80 or low 90 at 7:00 pm. I manage to get Cisco and Lucky haltered, fly sprayed, fly masks off, eyes and face rubbed and off we go a half football field to the arena. I had decided that I didn't have enough strength to saddle a horse in the heat. Ha!…

Lucky Star Saves Mom’s Life!

How the Horse of No Saved My Life I took Lucky and Cisco to one of our our outdoor arena summer home. It is perfect for Cisco's rehab. I was going to ride the "horse of no" and lead Cisco over the log obstacle, the low jump and the small wooden bridge. That was my intent and if Lucky would have let that happen, I might be in the hospital or funeral home now. Lucky decided he wanted to play at liberty before I rode. He double dared me to…

Skid Marks in My Heart by Lucky Star

Lucky Star became a country music song today. "I met the black mare today. Something about her made my inner stallion come alive. I danced on the trail beside her. I whispered words of  love to her. I turned into a hunk of liver chestnut stallion with my arched neck and prancing feet. I watched her gorgeous body swing to the heavenly trail rhythm. I forgot about the bay mare, the bay mare waiting on me at home. I could think nothing about my duties, only about the black mare…

New Saddle has Passed the Test

I bought a used 16 1/2" super wide Parelli Natural Performer via eBay. Last Sunday it passed the Cisco test. Today it passed the Lucky Star test. I tried to cinch it up tight enough so the saddle would stay on Lucky. When I mounted, it tipped a little,letting me know it might not be fully secure. But when I got balanced in the saddle and shifted my weight to each side, it felt secure. Off we went at a nice "trail walk" speed. I could feel those back legs…

Cisco and Lucky Own a New (Used) Saddle

Sunday Clinic Day with Jennifer Vaught It was a most amazing time riding Cisco. Firstly, I asked for a bit of speed and he hollowed out his back and paced. We worked on that. Then he would go nicely until the corners where he paced. The first exercise Jenny had us do in the clinic today, involved a lot of walking and leg yielding. We were walking the long way down the middle of the arena when Cisco suddenly began walking faster with a huge long stride. Then he got…

Cisco’s First Trail Ride in Many Moons

Can it be that Cisco and I rode once on a trailride in the fall of 2016 and nothing since? The best thing to bring Cisco's legs back to health is good straight line riding. Amazing that the Rock Island hiking, biking and equestrian trail near my house was just completed. I haven't rode him in a month or so and we are going on a very short trail ride with 3 other riders. The equestrian parking is right next to an outdoor tree covered hoarder 1/2 acre like you…