Frozen Foot Day

When you start out the day by pouring water in your shoe in frozen 28 degree weather, you really should stop the world and change your sock.  But did I do that?  Of course not.  Socks should dry.  Surely there is a physics rule somewhere in the wet sock world.  A wet sock is to change into a dry sock while still on a foot.  Is that too much to ask of physics?  Obviously it was. I fed the horses this morning wearing my tennis shoes.  It was 61 degrees…

Tomorrow is Always Another Day

I'm on it! Got up today and the dogs and I did our morning walk. Sounds great until you know the only reason I left my morning TV shows was to feed the horses. Once we all get outside, our thought is that we need to impress Fitbit and Map My Fitness with our glorious walk. One mile with two great pictures of Justine and Heidi. Then it was adventure time. Today, going to Lee's Summit to run a few errands. Oh wait, I better stop at Anytime Fitness to…

Fiesta Ware Learning Journey

Not long ago, I wandered into a most fun and cheerful kitchen wares place.  I didn't die and I didn't get sick.  This is such a cheerful place, that I actually enjoyed it.  I discovered Fiesta Ware.  Good Gad.  Too bad I'm old now.  If I had discovered Fiesta Ware back when I was trying to cook and eat at home, I would be Fiesta Ware rich now. Today I revisited the kitchen place.  A young man was telling his parent family about his wife's collection of Fiesta Ware. I…


My son took me shopping today to a store called Boomerang.  It's near Westport.  I think it's called Boomerang because it implodes you back in time.  Nathan told me it was sort of a costume store.  I was unprepared. Boomerang has clothes and household things from back in the good ole days.  I was walking into the most unique costume - thrift store ever. We entered the store and I nearly fell to my knees in worship. Here, before my cowgirl eyes, were floor to ceiling shelves filled with used…

Copper Family

I don't know where it came from.  It's been mine for years now.  I don't remember growing up with a copper kettle, but then my grandmother died after I left home.  I believe that it came to my house upon the death of my mother. It is a beautiful copper tea kettle.  I thought of it as a beautiful antique.  My mother died in 2007, some five years ago.  Yesterday, I had an amazing thought. What if it were a real tea kettle that my grandparents used? I decided to…

Shooting Crows… Shots rang out very near our two horses on the trail.  It sounded like heavy artillery. Hope and I were riding at James A Reed park today. Hope called the Park Ranger department to report that we were trapped in a real life shooting gallery. Park Ranger returned her call and was on the way to investigate. We decided to take the park road back to the parking area. I thought the road would be safer than the trail. Plus we might be able to see the shooter if…