Wrong Way Horse

Lucky Star and I are in the middle of the forty acre field at Pine Dell Farm. Lucky gets to ride with his girlfriend, Lady. Lucky has been in the outdoor arena and the playground, but we 've never rode out into the field. Lucky took the lead to the east. In fact, he wanted to run for the far-away horizon. His girlfriend was content to stay behind him. I decided making an S shape pattern was sufficient to slow him down. Horses are  not supposed to want to run…

Sue and Lucky

My new goal is to do the old level 2 online and liberty with Lucky Star. Heck, thought I. I'll just do these two variety tasks with both Lucky and Sue at the same time. Hence we all went to Pine Dell!  My it's fun to play with two different horses in the round pen! I've let Sue get horribly fat. She gains weight by looking at grass. She doesn't have to eat it. Sue is a bay. She has chocolate black legs. Lucky looks a lot like Sue except…

Lucky Star Heaven

Lucky couldn't believe it when he got out of the trailer at Pine Dell and his Lady Love and his bestest friend aMuir walked up to meet him. Wonder of Wonders- he got into the trailer and both Lady an aMuir got him with him! Melissa, Kelley and I went to the park. Tonight the excited Go-Forward-with-great-enthusiasm showed up. AMuir led, Lady was next and Lucky behind. Immediately, we saw our first deer twice. He bounded out of the corn field and appeared later when we turned a corner. Shooi.…

Alien Slime Horror and New Age Technology

I had my husband take a signed copy of the book to the Pleasant Hill vet's office. I thanked them all for the care of my animals over the years and signed the book. That night, the "young" vet came to the house to dig a fishing lure out of poor Sue's lips. Sue was carrying around a three prong fishing lure stuck in her bottom lip and tongue. I believe the fishing lure has been in the lake a long time and now that the water has receeded so…

Thank You For The Support

The Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breed Association supports the members and our wonderful horse. My article is about halfway down the page. Thanks to all editors and those who do the hard work. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=x7quz7dab&v=001ClIWeGrG49dukDNQtW62vWePLWitAZOQ89Vk6yoaXm671KuPvFPdz5Ut-VE0brzOuSsiyGiZ9YtcIFF9Ix3ANkur1ALZImt7rKzUneFxmVweOQxJrOeviylrgdXLaqtzoYPAymBiJEdt5vQgXtA5If7kA54f_eOGPiH4ElvBnbJPEWvijWs20J0KPUEvz9Zt9ojAwAJI8-SMhi2uaf--Ax-4BZ2H6Il6

His New “Lady” Friend

Lucky Star and Lady traveled together about an hour to take a Friday evening and Saturday morning group lesson with Jenny Vaught. Lucky and Lady stayed the night in a glorious small pasture. I don't know when the magic moment happened for Lucky Star. When morning broke in the cool light of the new day, Lucky Star made it known that Lady belonged to him. When I rode him in the group lesson, he followed Lady without protest or balking. When we were passed by other geldings, Lucky's body language made…