Houston, We Have Communication

The space craft has come around from behind the moon and checked back in with Houston. Lucky Star has checked in with Susan Houston and we have a communication about the flat foot walk and the fox trot. Lucky will give me both gaits sometime after my request. Lucky's favorite gait is the "not move immediately upon receiving the signal" and the fox trot. Now he is giving me that signature "walk" and keep it going. The canter to the right is there and the canter to the left is…

Memorial Day Ride

Lucky Star and I went on a trail ride today with Hope and Jazz. We got to the park at 9:00 and there were several riding groups that had the same idea. We had a great ride. After staying a week at For The Horse Ranch with Tony and Jenny Vaught, Lucky Star was in best gait form ever. Lucky gave me the longest, nicest flat foot walk ever. Ah, sigh. How nice is that 4 best rhythmic beat. He gave me some long stretches of fox trot too. I…


Have you ever seen a Tilt-A-Wheel at a carnival.  You know how the platform turns and the thing that is attached to the platform turns and spins. That's sort of like what Lucky Star's brain is like.  He has a very active brain that is always working, whirling, tilting and zipping around the track.  His brain is looking for fun and play. In the arena, I'm trying to keep him on the rail and work on exciting things like straightness, gait, haunches in.  Lucky Star is not thinking those are…

Sue How Do You DO?

Our first trail ride in over three years was today.  Sue was fabulous, just fabulous.  She has the nicest flat foot walk and goes anywhere.  She went everywhere, except when I told the crowd she would go anywhere. Then she refused.  It's up to the horse to humiliate the rider whenever possible.  No matter, it was down a steep hill into a ravine.  I wouldn't have wanted to go down that hill either, but this was a trail ride. This was an official Fox Trotter Club ride and Hope and…

Sue, How Do You Like Returning Home!

Sue returned home yesterday. I left Lucky Star with Tony and Jenny for a 5 day Lucky upgrade. This gives me no one to ride but Sue. I took Sue for a walk today around the neighbors turf farm. It's fun to take a horse for a walk if they don't try to run over you, eat grass, balk etc. Sue is a perfect horse to walk with. She is an exercise horse! I even ran with her. She stays about 6" behind my shoulder. I can run for about…

Lucky Star Personality

I was so happy to have a left brain introvert. Introverts don't move their feet. Their mouth generally doesn't grab stuff and play with it. Their lips stay right in their head which doesn't move. Extroverts move their feet and their lips play with anything they can find. They constantly demand your attention. Since Lucky Star proved immensely difficult to move his feet per a human request, he was diagnosed as introvert. Turns out he's an extreme willful dominant horse who cared little what pressure was put on him to…