Lucky Star’s Pedestal Debut

Introvert  horses like to stand still.  Lucky Star likes to stand still on a pedestal where everyone can admire his "cuteness". Tonight when we got into the arena, I was chatting with some Lucky Star admirers.  We had just got done chatting and Lucky Star decided to leave me and investigate the arena on his own.  humph!  So when he turned his rear towards me, I told his rear that it had to move on out at a quite faster speed. He sped around the arena a couple of times…

Jenny Ends the Lesson

Turns out it was a great day even though it did rain and rain.  We got to be out in the outdoor arena right before our lesson was scheduled.  Lucky Star and I arrived at Kitty Hawk.  This is the third place Lucky Star has ever been.  It's a large boarding stable filled with horses, indoor and outdoor arenas and lots of things and other horses to look at.  Lucky got out of the trailer and acted like he owned the place. We looked in the indoor arena before we…

Grumpy Spots

Tonight we started out with our "go touch it" game.  He touched a ball, some barrels and the pedestal with his nose.  He had to touch what I "sent" him too.   We squeezed between the pedestal and some barrels. We played the half circle game (with my back on the fence). We tried to combine that with sidepassing.  It takes a horse with some impulsion for this to work well.  His impulsion isn't quite up there enough yet in the short time we played the half circle game. I…

EEEK, It’s Not Even that Cold Yet

Sorry Lucky Star fans.  I tried to play with him tonight.  I was not dressed for success.  I had only one layer of work clothes on.  I did switch into my wonderful Muckboots (they now have purple Muckboots with which I am totally in love with.) with the Toasty Sole heat generating insoles, but it wasn't enough.  I got cold at work this afternoon, warmed up in the ride home and was determined to get on with the Lucky Star and Susan "playland", but I got cold on the walk…

Mounting Block Fun with Lucky Star

Lucky Star is  willing. We practiced the mounting block game where the horse has to stand perfectly still besides the mounting block.  They like to stand with their nose pointed at you instead of their back being available.  It takes a little while for them to realize what your goal is.  When ever the horse comes to the mounting block in the correct manner, they get a lot of rubbing and petting. Pine Dell Farm has  got a mounting block for a handicapped individual and then another riser on top of the mounting…

Sunset with Lucky Star

Here's what I love about Lucky Star: His confidence His calmness - which relates to confidence His left brain - which is really #1 and #2 His impulsion - on the low side.  I love a horse that would rather stop than bolt.  It's easy to speed a horse up, but if they bolt out of the blue, that makes me a grumpy (terrified) horse woman.  Ok, maybe this is all connect to #1, #2, and #3 above. He is playful, but not too much.  His brain isn't going 100…