Why Can’t I have My Own Facebook Page

I told Lucky Star we needed to get a good picture as I had not put his picture up on Facebook for a while. Then I had to explain Facebook. I explained that he had fans. I explained that his fans were following his progress on this blog. Well, Lucky Star wants his own Facebook page so he can tell the truth about how he's coming along. He's afraid I might not tell everything. sigh...who am I to deny "Mr. Cuteness" anything. We played in the small outdoor arena at…

Lucky Keep Your Mouth Open

Lucky Star got to visit Dr. Randy Huenefelg (Dr. Randy) at Adrian on Friday morning.  It was a dentist vet visit for Lucky Star. He also got his picture taken to be put on his Coggins paper.  For the non horse people that read the blog, Coggins is a test that every horse must have to go visit a horse show, another boarding place etc.  It is a test that makes certain the horse doesn't have the horse form of HIV. The Coggins paper will show that Lucky Star had…

Lucky Star Lesson at Pine Dell Farm

Karen Moulis was my first instructor.  It was she that took me from rigid fear to someone that could ride.  Karen is great for beginning riders, aging old beginning adult riders and everyone in between. When I passed Level 1, I discovered lessons with Karen's daughter Jenny and my life with horses evolved. Karen is still instructing at Pine Dell Farm and has thousands of students since I left her way back when.  I decided that Lucky Star would benefit highly in weekly lesson at Pine Dell Farm. Where else…

Lucky Star’s Pedestal Debut

Introvert  horses like to stand still.  Lucky Star likes to stand still on a pedestal where everyone can admire his "cuteness". Tonight when we got into the arena, I was chatting with some Lucky Star admirers.  We had just got done chatting and Lucky Star decided to leave me and investigate the arena on his own.  humph!  So when he turned his rear towards me, I told his rear that it had to move on out at a quite faster speed. He sped around the arena a couple of times…

Jenny Ends the Lesson

Turns out it was a great day even though it did rain and rain.  We got to be out in the outdoor arena right before our lesson was scheduled.  Lucky Star and I arrived at Kitty Hawk.  This is the third place Lucky Star has ever been.  It's a large boarding stable filled with horses, indoor and outdoor arenas and lots of things and other horses to look at.  Lucky got out of the trailer and acted like he owned the place. We looked in the indoor arena before we…

Grumpy Spots

Tonight we started out with our "go touch it" game.  He touched a ball, some barrels and the pedestal with his nose.  He had to touch what I "sent" him too.   We squeezed between the pedestal and some barrels. We played the half circle game (with my back on the fence). We tried to combine that with sidepassing.  It takes a horse with some impulsion for this to work well.  His impulsion isn't quite up there enough yet in the short time we played the half circle game. I…