BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious) Day!
Our group lesson was over and I’m driving truck and trailer home with Fancy.
I had fun today. Fancy and flying lead changes are more fun than a barrel full of monkeys. Yuck I don’t think a barrel full of monkeys would be fun.
Hmmm, where have I had more fun than this today? FUN?
The only thing I can think of are the times when I’ve been in the middle of a group being loud, obnoxious and dribbling spittle.
Why yes, my kind of fun is being an extreme left brain extrovert.
Here it comes, be ready:
Erin Patterson. instructor-trainer-coach, has been patiently coaching my body to be more “enthusiastic” when asking Fancy to do a flying change.
I had FUN today! I was enthusiastic when successfully asking Fancy to give me flying changes. Good Lordy!
My “Humanlity” needs to slide into LEFT BRAIN EXTROVERT when I ask for a flying change!
BFO: Good Lordy, Fancy is a Left Brain Extrovert! I need to match her personality! I need to MATCH her personality!!!
Extreme left brain extrovert behavior takes a lot of energy. It is exhausting! Left brain introvert and right brain extrovert behavior is so much easier for me. I’ve been coasting.
I’ve been studying Horse-and Human-ality for nearly three decades and just realized this….on my truck and trailer drive home!?
What the Hell!