Even More Pigs!

I know everyone is dying to know how my horse and the stalled mini pig situation is coming along! It was so cold and snowy last week, Erin rode her several days. She reported that Fancy was fine on the second day. They cantered and did flying lead changes in the indoor arena. That afternoon, the pigs moved into a stall on the other side of barn aisle. My horse became fearful again…snorting and fearful. How perceptive are horses! Trainer and horse did a lot of walking in the scary…

Freezing / Piggy Update

The group lesson people had an opportunity to get our weekly lesson four days since the horrid cold rain and mud shut down our regular Monday lesson. Erin told us we could have a lesson on Friday and scheduled for 3:00 warm afternoon. Sadly, something came up and it was scheduled for 9:30. That time of the morning was a 32 degree day. I've been thinking a woman in her third childhood should not have to ride when it's that cold. However, I jumped at having a group lesson. I…

Another Banner Flying Lead Change Day!

Group lesson Monday was another day for the flying change record book! Group lesson today was two quarter horses and a fox trotter. One quarter horse is a former reining horse! The other QH is designated by me as a million dollar horse....safe for anyone and has heart and try. He is learning flying lead changes, but because of his breed and try, it’s easy for him. Flying changes are difficult for many reasons for all riders! All us riders are ornery. Only Erin can keep the humans under control.…

Flying Changes Memories!

Ask a high level Dressage person for help: -I went to a high level Dressage Master clinic and watched 30 minute individual lessons. During the question and answer session for the auditors, I explained I was seeking to do flying changes on my horse and wondered why the riders put their foot so far back on the side of the horse when cueing the flying change. She was stunned at my stupidity and was unable to answer. -High Level Dressage rider in my lessons with Jenny had only done flying…

First Flying Change is Magnificent!

Yesterday Fancy gave me the best present I have wanted in all my second childhood years with my horses.  My dream is clearly written in both books I have written about my horse journey. On 12/23/2019, Fancy gave me a flying lead change. She is a smart, athletic horse who loves to GO.  I am blessed. Thanks to Erin Patterson for setting up lead change patterns and coaching in our individual and group lessons! Thanks to Tony Vaught who developed her potential and gave her the "restart" a horse like…

Big Half Lie

Here is the half lie: I know more about flying lead changes than full time amateur reining competitors. I would score a 100% on a scholarship test. I could write a Master's Degree thesis about flying lead changes. My brain knows everything about flying changes EXCEPT when I'm riding. When my brain is sitting on top of a fast cantering horse trying to be the brilliant controller, it experiences failure. My brain refuses to remember all the facts when zipping around the arena. The brain can now usually remember which…