Sue – How Do You DO with Crunchy-Crinkle Saddlebag

It's hot in and humid in the summer.  One needs water on trail rides.  I slung the saddle horn bags over the horn with a few bottles of water on each side.  Off we went. We were zipping along pretty darn good when my arm brushed the saddle bag and made the plastic water bottle make that crunch-crinkle noise. Zowie!  That's a "startle" noise to Sue.  Sue used to startle into a spook when I took my glasses off. They just made a tiny bit of noise.  A plastic water…

Sue- How Do You Do on our Trail Ride?

Sue - How Much Do You (and maybe me) Improve with Every Trail Ride? Trail Ride again today!  Just my good friend and I out in the one Kansas City area park that isn't too muddy to ride! Sue was calm going away from the trailer.  She was fairly calm when we made the turn and started back toward the trailer...calmer than she ever had been before! We had a couple of "startles" and I'm happy to report that the intensity of my reactionary "startle" has calmed down quite a bit.  Today,…

Sue – How Do You Do with Soldiers in the Sky!

I rode Sue, the "How Do You Do Horse", today with friends. We picked our way through wretched mud, forded huge muddy puddles, walked on a damn by a huge stick-up grate with excess flowing roaring water. We were the lead horse for all the scary things in the park. We did really really well. Then we had the three big military helicopters find us. Of course some of you know how beautiful I am. I believe my beauty and the beautiful bay horses is what made the helicopters circle us at…

Sue – How Do You Do at Letting Susan Dismount…oh noooooo

Warmth has finally visited the midwest after a long icy and cold winter. Finally Sue and I got to ride a large turnout pasture right next to the arena. I rode. We did great. I dismounted to the wheel barrow platform for the manure pile. I splatted onto the ground. (not the manure pile, thanks goodness) whoops It was right when my near foot went to the platform and my other leg was swinging over when Sue moved sideways. Instead of keeping my near foot in the stirrup and…

Sue-How Do You Do with a Big Heavy Breathing Saddlebred Horse?

This is the 2nd consecutive day of trail ride.  Oh woe if we could only have 5 days or 2 weeks or so consecutive days. Today, Sue was more relaxed on the trail.  Today, Sue was more nervous on the trail. Huh? Even though the saddlebred did wonderful on his first trail ride, he is still a fairly high energy horse.  I believe that energy sparked more of Sue's inner terror that still exists. Part of today (the first half away from the trailer), we were able to follow our…

Sue – How Do You Trail Ride in Smushy Grass and MUD!

Sue is sure-footed. Sue can be very gaited - very smooth - in saturated 3"-4" deep mud or grass.  That's how far her feet sink.  That's today at the park. She judges where she wants to go and we just float over the muck. I don't ever remember going this fast before over muck.  I was amazed. This, our first trail ride since last November. Sue is a great trail horse.  In fact, Sue is a darn great horse. I'm lucky to have her.  I'm still grateful to Nichole for bringing…