Jumping Fancy
- Jump online. If she did go over poles, she walked over them, hit the poles and mangled the pole and pole supports.
- After a year she jumps the pole without hitting it with her feet. She just recently cantered over the pole about 1 -2 feet.
- Last year we tried to jump over small barrels. Slide stop.
- This year we switched to plastic support and pole up about six inches.
- Many online attempts with her feet hitting the pole and mangling the support blocks.
- Riding- we walked over the pole, often hitting the pole with feet and mangling the jump
- We trot over pole, maybe hitting pole, maybe not.
- Raised the pole. See above.
- The past two weeks Fancy has jumped over the pole online. She can jump over it without hitting the pole.
- Riding- we come trotting to jump and slam on our slide stop. Two weeks of slide stops which I accompany with a low level scream.
- Last week, we made a jump.
- Yesterday, we jumped three times. We did not touch the pole! Three times!
- Today! We start at the end of the arena and stare at the jump. We go! We speed up. She goes faster to the jump.
- I’m screaming internally, slow down! Fancy is focused. She does not slow down. We sail over the jump. We did this three times, all with speeding up, I bet we jumped three feet. Fancy has turned into a jumping horse with a silent screaming rider!