First Ride 2025

Sharon, Wyatt (Sharon’s grandson) and I rode Tenor and Sonny today.  Winter is over for three days.  I rode Tenor one day in December and winter freezing cold forced us to cease.

We pulled into arena property. Gate was shut. Normally gate is open. We pulled in and opened and shut gate.
We noticed the owners 4 horse herd had jumped over their electric rope. I knocked on owner’s door and told her horses were loose. She knew. That’s why gate was shut. Grandson rode Tenor while I coached and yelled at him.
My turn to ride.

Tenor- Mom! I hear something.
Me- it’s the wind
Tenor- no it’s not. It’s something that wants to eat me.
Me- pshaw
Tenor-I’m ready to run to save my life
Me-Why didn’t that half a dead possum scare you?
Tenor-What are you talking about? I didn’t see or smell half a dead possum.
Me-I don’t remember which leg I sling over to dismount
Tenor-I might spin and kill you
Me-There’s nothing in the barn aisle. We checked.

Whoops! The owner’s 4 horses ran thru their tiny electric wire. That’s why her gate was closed. They did wander down the barn aisle,but were not there when we looked.

When we opened the arena doors to leave, they were peering into the aisle. They were scared of me shooing them away.

The horses were close by when we left the arena to truck and trailer to unsaddle.
They followed truck and trailer to the gate.
So Sharon and grandson went to gate. They opened gate and scared the horses away with stick and string

Picture is Wyatt and Sonny with me and Tenor.

I rode once in December. I almost forgot how to cinch saddle. Etc.
we get to ride tomorrow and then winter returns.