Lucky Star did fantabulous at his first real horse show. Some of my nightmare visions came true and other of my nightmare visions didn’t occur. Overall, Lucky did great.

1. When we got there, Lucky was tied up while I created the trail class obstacles. He did fine. I didn’t have any nightmares about this.
2. Saddled him up and he did have some energy. Thanfully, friend Hope was there with Chip. So we rode in circles around Hope and Chip until Lucky was calm. No nightmares about this part either.
3. We then rode in the two arenas, practicing. He was a little keyed up, but he ended up being very calm about everything. no nightmare here
4. We were the first contestant in the trail class. Lucky went into the arena willingly and gave me all the impulsion I could have asked for. My nightmare was that he would balk at the gate and not go in. He did surprise me in the back thru the triangle barrels. He got angry with me and put some speed in his backup. In fact, he backed up out of the pattern. This was the first time I’ve ever not been able to get him to stop or slow down! amazing
5. We won 2nd…amazing
6. Opening Ceremony of the horse show. I was asked to carry the club flag. Well, Lucky has never carried a flag before, but he is calm and I have certainly prepared him for things zipping around over his head. And he did it! He carried the flag in following the horse and rider with the American flag. We kept up with that horse, stood quietly for the National Anthem and followed the American flag horse out of the arena at the same speed. Now that is a memory to cherish forever!
7. Western Pleasure – went right in and did fine. nightmare was that he would stop and balk
8. Novice- Went right in, balked at the gate and again when we stopped and reversed. I got him going again before creating a problem for the other horses. nightmare was balking, creating a problem for the other horses, being asked to leave the arena, except he still wouldn’t move. So the nightmare was way worse than what really happened!
He gave his all on this class. We scratched the next class and I took him home. He was grateful to get home and drink water. The facility had a water problem and there was no water to fill a bucket.
I decided that Lucky should go into full time training before the World Show at Ava. Lucky is currently at For the Horse Ranch and being trained by Jennifer Vaught. My nightmare of balking at the World Show is abating.
You and your partner Lucky Star did great! While Mr. Lucky was tied to your trailer a big gust of wind came up to blow a limb out of the tree between your trailer and mine. He did a little side scamper, but didn’t pull back. He did lower his head to get the tie rope over one ear. I was sitting on Chip so Diane O’Neil went over to flip the lead rope back over Lucky’s head. Good boy!