I’ve been dissatisfied with my glasses ever since they started slightly blurring my long distance vision. And although they did match the turquoise that I’m fond of wearing, my glasses didn’t match my horse.
Have I mentioned lately that I love my horse so much that I buy clothes to match, jewelery to match, most anything I wear matches my horse. Lately, my hair has been matching my horse too. Yes, it’s obsession and I’m just fine with it. It doesn’t affect anyone in a negative way and I can still hold down my job with this horse match obsession.
Nova has a way of getting things done. We went for a ride in a field. We have to walk next to a tree and shrubbery line with a dog pen where the dog used to bark at us. No matter how many times I rode Velvet or Sage next to this scary place, we all tense up a little bit. Now Nova has never experienced the barking dog, so she doesn’t know the exact spot to get nervous like Sage, Velvet and I do. But nature has it’s way and Nova will be scared of the exact same place for the rest of her life tool
There’s this turkey. On this particular day, the turkey was hiding in the shrubbery right where the dog pen is. We disturbed her mightily and she exploded out of the shrubbery.
Then she did the deed which got me new glasses. I might add that I now have glasses to match Nova.
What did she do? Nova leaped up and sideways. Fox Trotters are really nice about not having suspension. That’s what makes them smooth. Nova has spooked sideways once before with me on her. She’s eight years old and has spooked once. But she spooked sideways with no suspension. There’s a great deal of difference to the rider. Scooting sideways is what I call it. They scoot sideways and your body follows-automatic pilot.
Sadly, Nova did a suspension leap sideways and my body doesn’t follow.
I was in the middle of a word. I was talking to “she who wont be named”. Suddenly I was sitting in the air, just like Wile Coyote does. And a second later I was crashed on the ground. Usually I twist in mid air and land on my side. This was too sudden and I landed on my bumper tailbone body part.
She who won’t be named was right behind me. Her horse went sideways, but she stayed on and was able to dismount.
Nova stayed with her herd, just a couple of yards away eating grass. Turkeys abound in her pasture. When she figured out it was a turkey and not a small black leopard, she relaxed.
We were able to lead the horses to a nearby mounting block – bleachers and got on. It was then that she who won’t be named noticed that my glasses were missing. I didn’t even go back to look for them…tall grass-no way.
I now have gold filigree side pieces with black and tan coloring. We look totally matched now!