Mouthy Horse Tales

Mouthy Horse Tales

I turned off the fans last night.  This morning, the box fan had been toppled and I found the electric cord had been chewed.  Also, Fancy drug the manure fork into her stall. Delta is shown today with the manure fork.  Fancy wanted Delta blamed for all incidents.  Delta is the herd boss and Fancy wants her to be the one “in trouble” with the human.  (Note:  Another lie about how horse’s brains do not work.)

Mouthy Horse and Summer

Fancy is what we call a mouthy horse. Her mouth likes to explore. The curiosity in her brain manifests itself through her mouth. It’s hot and the herd of three patiently stand in their shady run-in stalls trying to keep from going mad with the ever present flies. They have fans on the stall doors. So far this year, Fancy has chewed thru the electric cord twice on the high dollar fan. It will be fixed again and I’ll run an extension cord from another plug in socket. The electrical…

Day 5 San Francisco Nathan Performing! That afternoon, Jamie, Esther the Opera Dog and I went to Cow Hollow District to eat lunch and light shopping. Esther scored French Fries. She isn’t into veggies! Esther’s home on wheels!

Day 4 San Francisco

I decided to eat a late breakfast in Chinatown. I got up and prepared to be out in San Francisco. I had a pamphlet a Chinese restaurant person had given me yesterday while I was gasping for breath at the top of a steep hill. I traced my path from yesterday, but the restaurant was not there. Google Maps was enlisted, just a few blocks away. I followed the directions. Once again, GPS on the phone seemed “fishy” and I was running out of Chinatown shops and the body was…