Level 4 Audition Finesse Prep 2

iPhone Finesse is lacking. How can I remember the costume changes, mandatory tasks and how to film with my iPhone! I ask you! Today I remembered to bring my cell phone into the arena. I put all my costumes in place in the front end of arena and Swan Lake blue tarp at far end of arena. I mounted Fancy wearing my witch hat, warmed up and practiced leg yields. I was able to place my phone at far end of the arena and start the recording. I hurried back…

A Fancy Ride in the Group Lesson

Fancy and I are together! She tries to do what I'm asking during our lesson. Her go-forward attitude is fun! Fancy and I are bonding together! She tries to do what I'm asking during our lesson. Her go-forward attitude is fun! Erin said today that we have improved over the last twelve months. I've been having a lot of fun this past year. Today, the highlight of my ride was the finesse canter. My three fingers on each rein asked for slowing and suspension to get the fabled rocking chair…

Filming an Audition – Day 3

Today was determining where I can place my phone (camera) in the arena and see everything Fancy and I do. Thank you, Susan B., for helping. I found the exact place where the arena should end if I want to get Fancy’s body in the video at all times. Hmmm. This makes the arena short (as in not long enough). We practice flat foot walking, fox trotting, cantering, leg yielding at a (flat foot) walk and foxtrot in both directions, and weaving thru three cones that I made diagonal in…

Filming an Audition: Days 1 and 2

Parelli Levels now require an audition with mandatory tasks. The audition is to be filmed, no clips glued together by iMovie. Damn. I just joined a Parelli Level 4 audition Zoom group led by a very nice and knowledgable Parelli instructor, Todd Owens. We had our first Zoom call a couple days ago. Now understand that I've passed all the original Levels test years ago. They were tasks then. You film each task and submit it. I was thrilled when the Parelli people made the Level 4. It's much the…

Fancy is a Beast-Goddess

Fancy has try! She ties to do what I’m asking and I try to let her know I appreciate it. My favorite gait is canter, my 2nd favorite gait is canter faster, maybe she gallops. I can’t tell (feel) the difference. We practiced on a lot of flat foot walk. I was worried in our ground work warm up. She trotted to the left but paced to the right. I couldn’t get her out of the pace, Note: The evil pace always lurks. Sometimes, it is a lateral gait with…