1998 World Celebration Versatility Day – Disaster Number One

World Celebration Versatility Day Arrival and Distater Number One I slept for 14 hours after I got home from Ava.  Since I was only there for two days and I didn’t party the night away, one would wonder just what caused the extreme exhaustion. Well, stay tuned! Just as a note, I drove to Larry's Stable on Thursday and went on a wonderful trail ride with my hero, Larry Dollarhide and April, their young neighbor and Larry's apprentice.  Mona and I got to gossip and chat face-to-face instead of internet…

Velvet and the 5 Day Slumber Party

It was a 5 day Fox Trotter Slumber Party and those in attendance were Dianna from Phoenix, Larry and Mona (Larry's Stable), SusanFxtrt, Deina and Ray (Wilson Fox Trotters) The big even occurred north of Springfield, Missouri mostly at Larry's Stable with nightly overlaps at the Wilson Fine Fox Trotter Stables. HUH?! Here's how is came about. Dianna from Phoenix was wandering through the gaited horse web sites and became acquainted with Mona. They carried on and talked about fox trotters - Prince-the beautiful golden palomino gelding in residence, horse…

Sage – Ponderosa Trail Ride at Pineville, Missouri

My friends and I are the only tent people in the whole campground and it's 90+ and humid in the afternoon. All the people with air conditioned rigs head for air conditioned naps after our noon meal. My two traveling companions with their bumper pull trailer head for this tiny little tree and drag their chairs and hover underneath the "wide" canopy of shade provided by a short 2 year old tree. Not me. I drag my extra special Wal Mart air mattress...with the flocked top...out of my tent and…

Sage and the Costume Class

4/22/1998 Fox hunters wear funny looking coats and those weird pants with long black boots. They ride with the hounds and chase a wee fox. This is my version of a fox hunter from the Ozarks. I've got my rifle, wearing my coon skin cap. I've got my hounds tied to me ...like a field trial and Sage is hidden under a fox pelt, so we can sneak up on brother fox. Oh yes, they are hard to see, but my knee high boots are John Deere bright green and…

Velvet and the Gunsil

One of the million Parelli (original) Level Two tasks is to start from a halt to a walk, to a trot, to a canter. The canter is to be non stop for 60 seconds and you are riding either with a bareback pad or bareback. After the 60 seconds, you are to come to a stop and make an emergency dismount. Well, poor sad Susan never got to the emergency dismount place as we couldn’t maintain a canter for 60 seconds around the arena. Velvet, The Princess of the Pasture,…

Sage and Susan Go for Level 1 Test cont

I did mention it was hot and humid. Monday was day 4 of being hot and humid all day.  Plus for test day, we were in the arena..where it is even more hot and humid than it is outside. We had a break for lunch. We were all sitting in the air conditioned lounge. Suddenly, I started crying.  I tried to figure out what was happening to me as I was not sad about anything. I decided I must be having heat exhaustion.  I mentioned that to the crowd and all of…