Doug and Miss T, New Boarders

Updates! Tenor is a 98% unicorn. In late July, my riding partner, Sharon and I went on trail-ride at a park. We were in some high bushes around us. The bushes moved, Tenor spun so fast, I only knew I was falling off. He did a 180 and I did a 90. I can’t mount him from the ground, so (after we found my missing boot), we walked and discovered a trucked parked next to a lake near enough that I could walk there. I was dead on my feet.…

Just a Trailride! Dog attack; Riders Bucked Off; Horse Runaways (Not Tenor, Sonny, Susan or Sharon)

Just a day in the park trail ride and Missouri Fox Trotters rescued their fellow fox trotters. Many hero’s appeared today during a drama at James A Reed Wild life Park in Lee’s Summit.Sonny will be nominated for Hall of Fame. Many hero humans were involved without their names being recorded. Sonny, Sharon, Tenor and I went on a trail ride today  at James A. Reed Wildlife Park.  We rode a total distance of 1.3 miles.  Trail riders might sneer at this minuscule miles, but Hero Sonny was born and…

Who Rang my Doorbell at 10:30 PM?

Who could possibly ring my doorbell at 10:30 PM?  I had to put on an item of clothing so I could be decent when answering the door. Were my horses loose?  Did they get out of their pasture.? I tuned on lights, turned off the alarm and opened the front door.  There was a county patrolman standing at my front door.  I exclaimed.  I immediately assumed I had hit the fall button or emergency button on my new Apple Watch.  I tried apologizing for my error. The patrolman asked me…

Fancy Lost Her Domination and Slid into #3 Dominate Horse

 When Tenor arrived there was heated exchange between Sonny and Tenor.  Fancy also played a big role in the domination battle.  Tenor has ended up with a few teeth marks on his back, I believe most are from Fancy.  Sonny is so powerful, he snarls and runs at the new horse and instantly wins. The horses tell me where they are in the domination determination by the stalls they inhabit at feed time.  Sonny is always #1.  Fancy has been #2 as was she was at morning’s feed time. The…

Nathan Granner- Movie Star – Susan Engle’s son

Usually the story is about the usher, but you will all be astounded at the Usher Mom story. Some of you know my son, long time Kansas City resident Opera singer Nathan Granner.  He was the artistic director of the first non Kauffman Center resident production about composer Virgil Thomson’s music sung by a variety of Kansas City  produced by an Atlanta PBS station.  (The production was never aired.) Being the mom of the artistic director and singer, I got a backstage pass and sat in the green room during…

Tenor Receipt Day

Today, Tenor came from Florida and returned to me. Long, long ago, I gave young Tenor to Kevin from Florida when his horse, Delta, became allergic to Florida. Tenor was old enough to "start." I bought Tenor as a weanling and took him to Jenny and Tony "Parelli" colt starts and young horse clinics as he developed. Tenor is a left-brain horse, exceedingly friendly, always begging for attention. Kevin revisited Missouri with his horse trailer. He successfully rode Tenor and soon took him back to Florida. It was a happy…