Best Ride Ever – Best Lesson with Fancy

After the second chiropractic sessions with Dr. Randy Hunenfield, Fancy's attitude suddenly changed.  We have learned that when Fancy complains, she has a physical problem.  Fancy's right hip has been locking up and she has made her discomfort known to the humans.  The second session was to have been a refresher from her first session with Dr Randy in October.  She did improve after Dr. Randy's first adjustment, but this new improvement is like a ray of sunshine after weeks of semi cloudy days. Whenever I have rode Fancy, she…

Where Am I?

You can only read this if you promise to buy a ticket and attend the Quality Hill Playhouse Christmas concert staring Superstar singer, Lauren Bradshaw. Lauren's mother, Apryl,  is my best friend.  On the day that her parents, Apryl, Mike and I were to attend the show, we decided where our evening dining place would be.  Oh my!  I recommended Costentino's Market downtown Kansas City. Reservations were not required,  comfy seating was available and we could hear each other talk.  I hate those restaurants where you can't hear your companions…

It’s Complicated – Fancy

Fancy has won the title of Most Intriguing Horse awarded by Erin Patterson.  She argues.  She argues when the human tries to get the bridle on. She argues when the human body tells her to speed up.  But after arguing, she speeds up and speeds up and speeds up!  Gradually Erin is getting less and less arguing and smooth gaits.  Occasionally, the ride goes bad and the only request she will obey is to canter. Earlier this week, I rode Fancy.  I had a horrid horrid time getting her bridle…

Open Reserve Ranch Horse World Grand Champion – Fancy

What did Tony say this past winter?  "If you let me keep Fancy all summer, I'll win the Ranch Horse World Grand Champion." He did!  Guess who got the World Grand Championship Ranch Horse and Versatility garlands?  My name is on her registration too!  Jenny beat out Tony for the garland because her horse has been trained for many a more years AND had the perfect start to her life under my stewardship and the Vaught's training that started her life out right!  Half sisters won the World Grand Champion…

Daylight Savings Sunday

I was scheduled to usher at the Kauffman Center with a start time of 1:45. I carefully planned my strategy to be on time with the first day without daylight savings. My watch was to remain on daylight savings time. My phone would switch automatically. Terry and I had an early breakfast at the non daylight time of 10:00 am. When the phone said it was time for me to head for downtown KC, everything was perfect. My confidence was supreme. I decided to change the car clock while I…

My Days are Special – Emma, Cisco and Fancy

I just got pictures from Florida showing Cisco's arrival! Cisco just traveled 1300 miles in a trailer. Tony Vaught made a special trip to get him. Cisco had gone into laminitis danger with his weight gain on the high sugar grass in Missouri. Horses get a version of sugar diabetes by eating too much sugar which is rampart in Central Missouri grass. This is called insulin resistance in horses.  Horrible pain called laminitis can result which heats up the bones in their foot to the temperature of a 400 degree…