Powder and I Spring Show Epic Adventure -7

Barrel racing! You have all seen those horses going 100 mph run around the barrels. Yep, Powder and I are signed up for a race! Back in the 60’s and my life with horses was as a young thin girl.... ahem. Back in the 60’s it was time for me to graduate from large pony to horse. Unknown benown to me, my mother did not want me to become a barrel racer. She thought it was too dangerous. My mother told me this in the last decade of her life.…

Powder and I Spring Show Epic Adventure – 5

Western Horsemanship Class. This pattern looks simple, but it actually is difficult. Non horse and non canter people can just ignore this next sentence. Firstly, we start out with a counter canter. I hate that. It takes a well educated horse who knows your cue and body position to pick up the “wrong lead”. We have now went from “B” to “C”. Oh but it isn’t that simple. You have to transition from canter to stop. You have to be in a place where ou can turn without stepping on…

Powder and I Spring Show Epic Adventure – 4

Trail Class At last I would be a rider! Jenny was right at the gate to take Powder. I staggered over to get water and revived myself. I got my shirt and vest and went into restroom for a clothing change. I love the nice white secluded chairs in the restroom! The judge gave us a walk-thru after our volunteer helpers set up the trail obstacles. These volunteers are our horse friends who were there to support and help us. They had no idea that they would be setting up…

Powder and I Spring Show Epic Adventure – 3

Saturday morning started out with feeding Powder around 7:00 am. About 7:30, Powder got her bath with a lot of focus on her white mane and tail. Bath was given by Jenny Vaught who knows a thing or two thousand million about getting a show horse ready. Show was to start at 9:00 am. We arrived at the show ground about 8:30 am. The show started at 9:30am with Showmanship. This is an online ground class. I do not “love” showmanship. I want to be in the arena riding my…

Powder and I Spring Show Epic Adventure – 1

I started this blog just to tell you about my Friday and Saturday shower experiences, but then the entire show experience story demanded to be told. Four days in Ava almost turned into a book! Stay tuned for the shower story.... Powder and I arrived at the Missouri Fox Trotter Showground complex in Ava, Missouri on Thursday afternoon. This show is one of two shows held by the association. This is the Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity. Powder and I will compete Saturday in the Versatility events. I…

“Powder Perfect” Spring Show 2018

I showed Powder at the 2018 Spring Show. I was thinking about how different it was showing an experienced horse who knows more than me, compared to showing Cisco his first year. At the end of my reining patterrn, the judge summed it all up for my Cisco experience. At the completion of the pattern. I went over to show the judge Cisco’s bridle. He said, “Well, you lived through it.” I lived through Cisco’s first year of showing. That was the goal. Riding Powder was an experience on the…