The Mind of a Horse

You will be surprised to learn about Cisco's mind. Cisco is a left brain introvert. That means he thinks through things and isn't a big fan moving. He likes to move. He likes to stop. But what Cisco really a worrier. He worries about things. It can take him a long time to get comfortable in a new place. His worry is very low key as he is thinking while he is worrying. During his worrying phase, he likes to move. That keeps him relaxed. When he moves, I'm…

Test Results of Shoulder Relief Girth – Failure. NO! Rips The Horse

I have done everything possible to get a saddle to fit my horse. I use a Circle Y Flex Lite saddle. I use both girth rings of the saddle to try to keep the saddle from creeping forward on the horse. I use a very expensive saddle pad, because you get what you pay for in saddle pads. I use a CSI saddle pad. If a pressure point exists, the CSI pad prevents the pressure from hurting the horse. I use a shim to even out the hollow spot behind…

Cisco at the Park

When I got Cisco, he had been trail ridden for three years solo on the trail.  His spook was a stop and brace his front legs.  His entire ridden life had been as a trail horse.  Cisco comes to me.  I turn him into an arena horse.  This might be the start of our third year and he has been on two trail rides as my horse in those three years.  He now is a rail or fence bound arena horse. I decided that Cisco needs to revisit the trail.…

Mom, We need to have a talk…..

Mom, Yes. They are huge ribbons. I've never seen such big ribbons either. But Mom. I"vet seen pictures of horses showing off their ribbons. Something is wrong here. You are not to cover up half my face to show off my ribbons. You see that side view. My face is nearly all covered up. I don't like it. I'm going to become annoyed soon. Aren't ribbons supposed to be hung on my rein and draped across my neck. Wouldn't that make a much better picture? These ribbons are annoying. Please…

Cisco Journey Musing

I have written lately about Cisco and I because I've been pondering the meaning of life with a horse.  That sounds cool doesn't it?  Believe it or not, the Level 4 Parelli journey with Cisco is not the same as the Level 3 journey with Velvet.  All I really remembered was the intense focus on flying lead changes.  Yes, I still have that fierce focus, but things are very different. Things are very different as I don't have job.  I have few time constraints.  When I play with Cisco it…

Naked Cisco Head!

Yep, today was the day that I started and finished riding Cisco bridleless. I have a friend that calls it naked. It means nothing was on Cisco's head or in his mouth when I climbed aboard. I, however, had on pounds of winter clothes. I did a darned clever thing, I had Cisco doing a lot of fast ground play. We practiced trotting in one direction for ten circles. Then we did ten circles the other direction. We rested and started cantering. Cantering at liberty in the round pen didn't…