Cisco Futurity -What the Heck Am I Studying to Be?

Cisco is destined to be a versatility horse because that is what I love best in the show world.  Cisco has the latent talent to be a performance horse. I also show in certain classes in the Ranch Horse Events.  I can show at the Kansas City Pony Express shows in the "rail" classes.  People have asked...what are versatility, performance and ranch horse show events?  I'm here to tell you the great opportunities we have in the fox trotter horse shows.  I'm not getting into a discussion of all the…

Cisco Futurity – Back in Time

Cisco's birth mothers recorded his birth, recorded him being imprinted and recorded his first steps and nursing.  When they found out I had gained possession of Cisco, they had the recording made into a DVD.  I received the DVD a couple of days ago and have been watching it. I feel like I was there when the cute little bundle of energy was born.  I was there when he came out of the sack.  I joined his imprinting.  I rooted for his struggle to stand and remain standing.  He was…

Cisco Futurity – Found the Hard Trot

I rode Cisco a couple days ago and encountered the "hard trot".  We were doing a fast turn and run exercise and we spun into a hard trot.  Us gaited horse people call the trot, a hard trot...maybe to distinguish it from the fox trot.  But we also like to emphasize the hard part of it.  When you are not used to "bounce", bounce is a shock to our bones.  It's the suspension that we are not used to.  I don't believe Lucky Star has ever hard trotted.  He paced…

Cisco Futurity

Ever since I won Cisco in the raffle, I've been babbling, bragging, screaming, and in a mood of high excitement and joy.  Cisco has been in "customized training for Susan" with Nichole Copple. I have brought Cisco home.  The real world starts.  Cisco lives at my house.  I have to ride him and start the journey.  Reality has hit! "SCREAM!  You won't believe how wonderful he is!  Oh, he is beautiful.  He rides like a dream.  I look fabulous on him.  Everyone that sees him comments on how beautiful he…

Lucky Star and the Horse Show

Lucky Star did fantabulous at his first real horse show.  Some of my nightmare visions came true and other of my nightmare visions didn't occur.  Overall, Lucky did great. 1.  When we got there, Lucky was tied up while I created the trail class obstacles.  He did fine.  I didn't have any nightmares about this. 2.  Saddled him up and he did have some energy.  Thanfully, friend Hope was there with Chip.  So we rode in circles around Hope and Chip until Lucky was calm.  No nightmares about this part…

Riding Alone

What technology do we have in our lives.  Someone on Facebook recommended that I have someone who knows I'm out there to check on me.  Have a start time and a check in when done time friend.  It's a little lonely at James A Reed Wildlife Area during the day on weekdays.  I guess non retired people are sequestered at their job.  I remember having a job too. So there's this iPhone App called Find Your Friends.  You can allow people to look on a map of where you are…