Who Needs a Young Snorty Green Horse?!

Velvet was a been-there-done-that snorty horse today.  You know that long rumble snort that could mean, "I'm getting ready to take the saddle and sky rocket to another universe" snort. I don't remember Velvet snort-rumbling in a long time.  Then she became a show horse and arched her neck.  Oh, I bet she and I were a gorgeous sight. The cause - two adorable mini horses running in a pasture. Velvet and I were out alone at Pine Dell and we decided to take a stroll off the property.  What…

Do I Look Over 60!

Finally the stars aligned in the sky and I was able to ride with a friend at Holden Lake Park.  Turns out, it's easy to find, pretty flat and beautiful.  It's only fifteen miles from where I live. Velvet and I had arrived earlier and were saddled and ready to go.  My friend pulled up and was busy getting her horse ready to ride.  Velvet was ready to ride and I was standing beside the little gravel road in the park. A car pulls up and stops beside me.  A…


Karen Moulis asked me to help her out with Sheyna. Sheyna is a Missouri Fox Trotter mare that got to be owned by Pine Dell Farm when her owner couldn't pay the board. Also Sheyna was too much horse for her green owner.  We don't think Sheyna was ever owned by anyone that understood her personality. Sheyna is a sensitive right brain extrovert. She wants badly to please her person.  She's never been taught about slow speeds, medium speeds and fast speeds.  The answer for her is to fly into the wind!  She knows…

Not Yet / Not Yet

I need a warmish sunny day to take my first ride on Lucky Star. So far I've had cold and windy days with 20-40 mph days.  I just don't need that. Lucky Star is staying at the Vaughts for at least two more weeks, maybe the month of March.  We love the personality where he doesn't want to charge forward. That kind of horse is great for me and those who don't like horses that shoot out from under you. But, he does need to have a good solid work…

Whoa, Darn it, Whoa

Not every horse has the same understanding of Whoa that I do.  I tell my horse to Whoa by leaning back in the saddle just a hair's with, I let all my energy out, I put my legs a little forward.  If my horse doesn't stop, I lift up one rein.  That's what I would like to think that I do.  In reality, I do all of the above, but my hands sneak up and pull with both reins back...just a little.  Your hands work independently of what your outward brain…

Lucky Star’s New Show Outfit

photo.JPG, a photo by susanfxtrt on Flickr. Lucky Star will attract a lot of attention in this outfit! I can not go to any more Horse Festivals or places where horse vendors hang out.  The owner of the booth where I got this vest clapped this hat on my head and made me look in the mirror. Then he made me buy the hat because the entire outfit is so cool that I would have died not to walk away looking like this. This is what I looked like at…