The Words I’ve Been Waiting to Hear!

"Lucky Star might be ready for you to ride the next time you come down to the ranch" I was chatting with Jenny today on the phone. She threw that gold nugget into the conversation when I had paused to take a breath. What!  I repeated these exact words to her to make certain she had said them outloud.  "Yes," she said. "Those are the words that I said."  I repeated them again just to make certain I had all the words in order and had not left any out.…

The Cat Hat on the Trail Again

Hope and I were out in the overcast day with the alleged temperature in the 50's.  I had on nearly 25 lbs of winter wear plus this beautiful cat hat. The cat hat is a phenom.  We've gone on rides, I speak to oncoming riders and they don't speak back.  We've decided it's the cat hat. I just look too weird.  The cat hat is the warmest hat I own.  I insist on wearing it.  I forget that I look weird and still chat with people when we meet them.…

Lucky Star Loves Girls

From Jenny: Lucky Star story for this cold windy day. New mare in the pasture. He was so.... excited. Followed her every where, including in the pond! She went for a swim, crazy horse. Four times. He watched until the fourth time, then he went in nearly up to his belly. Then had a good role. Needless to say, he had a blast on this cold windy day!

Lucky Star Perfect Horse for Me

On a visit to For the Horse Ranch, I got to see Jenny ride Lucky Star. He's an ideal horse for me. He would rather stop than go. When he does go, it's very very smooth. I got to see him spook a couple of times. Once, he just froze and looked at the scary monster. The other time, he crouched down with his hind legs and then scooted about 8 steps. There was never any suspension in the scoot. It's often suspension that gets the rider off. My horse…

Love and Separation – the Lucky Star Story

Last time I told you how Lucky Star fell in love with Dazzle. He was smitten by her. Dazzle is a beautiful dapple bucksking mare with blaze, white foot and foot long eyelashes.  Turns out, Dazzle was smitten by Lucky Star too.  They became a couple.  Unfortunately, Lucky Star and Dazzle are rather bossy horses. They decided to keep the round bale to themselves. They decided not to let the other horses in their pasture eat the round bale.  Lilly, Cappy, and Outlaw were looking longingly at the hay. They…

Lucky Star Helps Jenny with Natural Horsemanship Training

Lucky Star decided to help Jedi with his natural horsemanship training with Jenny Vaught today.  Neither Lucky Star or Jedi had ever considered someone would ask them to cross over such a big log.  Lucky was certain that Jedi was being asked to cross over the log and not him. But he was willing to help Jedi discuss it. These small logs were not such a big deal.  Lucky Star wanted in on the action.  He thought it was great fun to help Jenny with her rope skills. Lucky Star…