Give Me A Car that Starts!

I’ve not had a good time with vehicles lately.  This time it’s the 2015 Town and Country Mini Van.  It was the last year Chrysler made the minivan.  Cry. I love(d)my minivan. A life time warranty is a lie.  100,000 miles is the end of a lifetime warranty.  Minivan made it to 103,000 miles before putting me in hell.   It’s 90 something degrees is the Midwest. I have a wheelchair spouse in the car,  sometimes, I have the spouse and a German Shepard in the car. When starting the…

Fancy Ran Away from Me

Fancy had a group lesson yesterday in the low 80 degree heat.  She had to rest and run for an hour.  To get her to the group lesson, we have to travel about 40 minutes, including a dusty gravel road.  After the lesson was over, we had a short argument about her loading in the trailer.  One always wonders if they want to stay at the site or just what is going on in the horse brain.

So today, why did my left brain extrovert run away from the barn when she heard me opening and closing the trailer door?  She ran into the far off part of the pasture.  She left her herd. Does she not want to spend another hour of running and rest group lesson with me?  Did she think she was going to get into the trailer and go for another group lesson.

The answer is I’ve lost the bond, temporarily.  I have a plan for this evening.  I will trick her with food to catch her.  Then we will play online and at liberty in the round pen where she will be thanked and loved each time she does something I ask.  My thanks and release will be real.  My body will send nonverbal waves of love.  I’ll put the saddle on her and probably won’t ride.  I predict she will love me greatly by the time the sun goes down.  Stay tuned!

Late afternoon.  I tricked her and got her halter on and we went into the round pen.

Oh my!  We had quite a liberty session.  Ms. World Domination and me had quite a time.  I did a lot of loving, sitting, letting her stand still and get her breath.  We did a figure 8 online and then at liberty with her taking off at a canter during our attempts.  In the beginning, she stuck out her tail which meant she was upset.  She galloped around the round pen quite a while with a direction changes at my body language command. She galloped about a mile!

Everyone now and then I got her to come into me and stop.  We rested.  It was so exciting I didn’t even notice her flying lead changes when she changed directions.

I need to do this much more often.  Why she was so upset, I don’t know.  I’ll observe my body language next time instead of being in awe of how gorgeous she is at a full bore gallop and how to get the best change of direction.  She had a workout in the round pen.

I did fool her and had put on her saddle. I needed  her to wear my phone to track her distance for the Tevis Cup Virtual Ride.

The Parelli Level 4 Liberty audition contains a mandatory load into the trailer at liberty.  I have long berated myself at not spending the time with her to find the trailer as a sweet spot instead of shutting her in with feed before she would unload herself.  The unthinkable happened.  As we were playing at liberty, her herd mates left the barn and went to the other side of the pasture.  Perhaps this might have been why she was so upset during our liberty galloping.  And now I expected her to load into a trailer and stay inside while her herd mates were in the other side of the pasture.  This is unthinkable.

I sat in my chair and proceeded to send her into the trailer.  She proceeded to immediately unload herself.  She got the rope around her leg and I let go of the rope.  I thought she might gallop out of the property trying to find her herd.  I managed to prevent that horrid happening and instead, she went into the barn where I was able to reattach myself to her rope.  Back to trailer loading.  Then she got her foot wrapped again.  I didn’t let go.  She put so much pressure on the rope that I was unable to get out of my chair.  At that time she was directly behind me, which kept me in the chair. I managed to get out of that situation and returned to trailer loading and unloading.  I thought I had won and she found her sweet spot when she stayed still in the trailer for nearly a thirty seconds.  Upon glancing into the trailer, I discovered a pile of manure.  Whoops!  This was not a sweet spot, but another kind of “unloading”.

With about 25 more trailer unloadings, she never stayed facing the front where I had her feed.  But she turned around and did not unload herself.  I managed to get out of the chair and lead her out of the trailer.  I decided this was a good ending for the Queen of Drama.  I let her get inside the pasture with her staying a distance behind me and not eating grass, which takes a goodly amount of natural horsemanship knowledge.  It’s a good thing that I’m taking the time it takes and think we had an even draw maybe with me being on the 56% leader most of the time.

Good Lordy.  I’m thankful to be trying to perform the Level 4 Liberty tasks!  It’s forcing me to develop this wondrous mare into the best possible partner!

PS:  I no longer thing Fancy ran away from me.  She ran away from the herd leader, Delta.

Give Me a Brake!

I've had 2021 problems with bakes.  My old trailer had brake problems, caused by my failure to plug on the connecting trailer brake cord to the truck.  I went through long wait hell to get a new trailer brake installed by my auto repair shop.  Again, another trailer brake problem, with touchy brakes.  Again a long wait and  I was told the trailer brake lines were causing the brakes to "short out".  The fix would take a trailer repair shop to tear out the brake lines under the floor of…

World War I Win!

I rode Fancy the next day.  It was a dream ride, the stuff of legend!  When We went out the gate, I could feel a slight hesitation, but she went on.  I decided to turn towards the neighbor’s property.  They are planning to build a house next door.  I’ve got a ten acre mowed field next door.  Fancy went through the dirt path into the field.  We rode east and west in the field of dreams.  We gaited.  I’m in heaven. Next is the road.  We returned to the road…

World War I Winning

Two days later. I saddled Fancy and did the mandatory circling and three time saddle tightening.  The rules are canter or jump and tighten cinch three separate times.  It usually takes me 4 tighten actions. Using the trailer fender, I mounted Fancy and we took off down the driveway.  We were moving forward.  We made it to the front gate and stalled.  (It had been two days and the water puddles were all but gone.)  Fancy was not scared of water puddles. I flicked the reins on her backside and…

World War One Battle Lines Drawn

“Feed Me!  This is the time of the day when you feed me.  No, I don’t want the fly mask.” Fancy left the stall.  Susan left the barn.  Fancy and Susan returned to the barn and the fly mask was installed.  “I know you’re going to feed me now.”  Susan bent over to get the new fly leg protectors.  “No!”  Fancy left.  Susan decided to fill a water bucket in Delta’s stall.  Fancy returned and nibbled on the fly leg protector.  Susan went into Fancy’s stall and shut Fancy’s stall…