Sage Fox Trots!

SAGE, the Fox Trotting Fool or Yes Virginia, there really is a Fox Trotting GOD 4/16/98 How did it happen? I have many theories and so do others. One day late last winter, Sage and I were out riding around the neighborhood. It was muddy and I had to go back to where I left something while I was riding her. I looked at her tracks and just stood frozen in awe. Her hoofs fell on top of each other. I could see the big word in my mind with…

Nova’s Notebook – Lesson time with Jenny

Pat Parelli has done various studies of their students and why they enter the program.  Some of them have specific problems and when these problems are overcome, the students move out of the program. Many stay a long long time. Others drop out for various reasons. The category I'm in is "Want to Always Learn More - Can't Ever Get Enough" Lessons are my favorite horse back riding activity.  Lessons with the right people.  My right people are Jennifer and Tony Vaught. Tonight was the first time I've rode Nova since…

Nova’s Notebook – Show-Off Junkie

Thursday, 23 April 2009 Dearest friends, It came over me again-the need to show off. Larry Whitesell is doing a clinic at Pine Dell Farm this three day weekend. I came to Pine Dell to ride Nova tonight. I got to ride with good friends, Hope and Edna. I had just finished all my ground games and got on. In walks Dana-a gaited horse trainer who specializes in Paso Finos, and Larry Whitesell. They sat down in the viewing area and watched us. After I realized that Larry Whitesell was…

2010 World Celebration Highlight

Versatility Vision – Ribbons and Patterns September 10th, 2010 | Author: Susan I’d just like to start out with how difficult do you think it is to pull a tire on the end of a long rope in a mixture of finly ground rock and sand after a Hurricane Hermoine dumped a million inches of rain in the area last night. I had no idea, either. Nova and I practiced pulling a barrel in an arena and a few lighter things on a gravel road. In no way were we…

Celebration is Not For the Weak!

Versatility Vision – What a Show Day September 7th, 2010 | Author: Susan Nova and I are one for three. She messed up one pattern and I messed up two. Already I forgot what happened in the fourth class. Read on… Showmanship…We were doing an outstanding job looking sexy. We were to the back-thru-cones, a piece of cake for us in our real life, but this is showlife with a show halter. We did good till I misjudged the cone path and things went out of control. Nova even screamed…

Nova’s Notebook – 1st Demonstration!

About two weeks before the big Vaught Family Natural Horsemanship, Jenny asked if I was going to ride in the demonstration. Whoops!  I didn't know that Nova and I were going to be in the demonstration.  We had an assumption and non verbal communication. Now, it's something to be practicing all along for "being in the Spotlight" someday as opposed to actually having a date for a demonstration. Nova and I started to practice and the holes we had were just a bit glaring.  I had not practiced enough in…