Fox hunters wear funny looking coats and those weird pants with long black boots. They ride with the hounds and chase a wee fox.
This is my version of a fox hunter from the Ozarks. I’ve got my rifle, wearing my coon skin cap. I’ve got my hounds tied to me …like a field trial and Sage is hidden under a fox pelt, so we can sneak up on brother fox.
Oh yes, they are hard to see, but my knee high boots are John Deere bright green and I’m wearing antique black and red checkered wool hunting pants.
The fox head kept coming unattached from the fox pelt, so I had to carry it. When I was in my two-handed cocking and shooting the rifle phase, I carried it in the saddle hole. That’s what I’m holding in my other hand…yee haw!
Cool…I shot my gun and yelled yee haw!