Who Rang my Doorbell at 10:30 PM?

Who could possibly ring my doorbell at 10:30 PM?  I had to put on an item of clothing so I could be decent when answering the door.

Were my horses loose?  Did they get out of their pasture.?

I tuned on lights, turned off the alarm and opened the front door.  There was a county patrolman standing at my front door.  I exclaimed.  I immediately assumed I had hit the fall button or emergency button on my new Apple Watch.  I tried apologizing for my error.

The patrolman asked me if I was Hope Robinson.  No, she’s a friend of mine. Oh, I thought.  My watch contacted my close friends.  Hope must be an emergency contact.  Again, the patrolman asked if I was Hope.  No, Hope is a friend.

For two days my small county in the world has been knocked off the Internet.  AT&T  is a huge cell phone and WiFi provider.

Hope had tried to message me about our plans the next day. I never answered.  She called and immediately got my voicemail.  The phone did not ring.

it’s the damn Internet the handsome young patrolman and I decided.  I told him the Hope Robinson lives in Grandview.

We both cursed the Internet.  I ran out out of Kindle books to read last night.  Thankfully it was time to sleep.  Cell service  is functioning this morning.  The grocery store in town was selling groceries with check or money order.  My tire shop had a tough time getting a replacement for my flat tire wheel.  Our Internet was out part of a day and nearly all day yesterday.  It was hell!