World War I Win!

I rode Fancy the next day.  It was a dream ride, the stuff of legend!  When We went out the gate, I could feel a slight hesitation, but she went on.  I decided to turn towards the neighbor’s property.  They are planning to build a house next door.  I’ve got a ten acre mowed field next door.  Fancy went through the dirt path into the field.  We rode east and west in the field of dreams.  We gaited.  I’m in heaven.

Next is the road.  We returned to the road and gaited at a flat foot walk away from home.  Oh joy.  It was hot out there.  Fancy was heated.  I could tell it was time to quit.  We walked home.  She was able to get her breathe.  She did not want to run home.  How I love this!  We returned to the trailer and rode a circle around it.  Best not to have her ever assume the trailer would be the stopping point.

I dismounted to the trailer fender.  The saddle was removed, halter put on and a cold bath was given to combat the sweaty body.  I turned her out and fed the horses.  What a glorious day!

I formally declare World War I is over and I won!  What a great time!